当我执行Ctrl + athen 时Shift + /,它列出的键绑定与配置文件指向的 (f-keys.tmux) 不匹配。我受够了。有人能帮忙吗?我只想能够在网上搜索键绑定,并能够应用它们。如果我执行Ctrl + athen Shift + f2,什么也不会发生。如果我只执行Shift + F2,什么也不会发生。它应该分割窗格!
我正在使用 Putty。
Byobu 的键绑定保证在 Ubuntu 中与 gnome-terminal 完美配合。
Ubuntu 中的其他终端,例如 Terminator、xterm、konsole 等,应该可以运行得相当好,但可能缺少一些仅在 gnome-terminal 中发现的功能。
你可以在以下网址找到一段约 10 分钟的“入门”视频https://www.byobu.org/它将引导您了解最常见的 Byobu 工作流程和键绑定。
此外,您可以随时在 Byobu 中按Shift-来调出按键绑定提示屏幕。如果-对您不起作用,我会将这些提示复制并粘贴到这里:F1ShiftF1
Byobu is a suite of enhancements to tmux, as a command line
tool providing live system status, dynamic window management,
and some convenient keybindings:
F1 * Used by X11 *
Shift-F1 Display this help
F2 Create a new window
Shift-F2 Create a horizontal split
Ctrl-F2 Create a vertical split
Ctrl-Shift-F2 Create a new session
F3/F4 Move focus among windows
Alt-Left/Right Move focus among windows
Alt-Up/Down Move focus among sessions
Shift-Left/Right/Up/Down Move focus among splits
Shift-F3/F4 Move focus among splits
Ctrl-F3/F4 Move a split
Ctrl-Shift-F3/F4 Move a window
Shift-Alt-Left/Right/Up/Down Resize a split
F5 Reload profile, refresh status
Alt-F5 Toggle UTF-8 support, refresh status
Shift-F5 Toggle through status lines
Ctrl-F5 Reconnect ssh/gpg/dbus sockets
Ctrl-Shift-F5 Change status bar's color randomly
F6 Detach session and then logout
Shift-F6 Detach session and do not logout
Alt-F6 Detach all clients but yourself
Ctrl-F6 Kill split in focus
F7 Enter scrollback history
Alt-PageUp/PageDown Enter and move through scrollback
Shift-F7 Save history to $BYOBU_RUN_DIR/printscreen
F8 Rename the current window
Ctrl-F8 Rename the current session
Shift-F8 Toggle through split arrangements
Alt-Shift-F8 Restore a split-pane layout
Ctrl-Shift-F8 Save the current split-pane layout
F9 Launch byobu-config window
Ctrl-F9 Enter command and run in all windows
Shift-F9 Enter command and run in all splits
Alt-F9 Toggle sending keyboard input to all splits
F10 * Used by X11 *
F11 * Used by X11 *
Alt-F11 Expand split to a full window
Shift-F11 Zoom into a split, zoom out of a split
Ctrl-F11 Join window into a vertical split
F12 Escape sequence
Shift-F12 Toggle on/off Byobu's keybindings
Alt-F12 Toggle on/off Byobu's mouse support
Ctrl-Shift-F12 Mondrian squares
/usr/share/doc/byobu/help.tmux.txt (END)
我唯一一次遇到 byobu 键绑定不起作用的情况是当另一个程序先获取这些键时。例如,我认为您的 Shift+f2 按键被桌面环境而不是 byobu 所获取。我假设它们已经映射到您的 DE 中的其他内容。