如何让 ipv4/inet 在英特尔主机上运行的 arm lxc 容器中工作?

如何让 ipv4/inet 在英特尔主机上运行的 arm lxc 容器中工作?

如果尝试创建臂丛和一个 arm64/一个arch64我的英特尔 64 位系统上的 lxc 容器。

我复制了相关库姆在启动容器之前的文件。 /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static对于 arm 和/usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-staticarm64。

当我创建其他基于英特尔的 ubuntu 容器时,我的 eth0 有一个 ipv4 地址。(使用桥接网络)

我像这样创建 arm64 容器:

lxc launch ubuntu:15.04/arm64 arm64
cp /usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static /usr/lib/lxd/containers/arm64/rootfs/usr/bin
lxc start arm64


在 arm64 容器中 ifconfig 显示:

eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:16:3e:e4:d2:de  
          inet6 addr: fe80::216:3eff:fee4:d2de/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:19 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:7 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
          RX bytes:2564 (2.5 KB)  TX bytes:578 (578.0 B)

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback  
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1 
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)


/etc/init.d/networking start


[....] Starting networking (via systemctl): networking.serviceFailed to get D-Bus connection: No such file or directory

ifup eth0产量

/sbin/ifup: failed to open lockfile /run/network/.ifstate.lock: No such file or directory

ip addr产量

Cannot open netlink socket: Address family not supported by protocol

Address family not supported by protocol在运行各种不同的网络工具时,这似乎是一个常见的错误消息 - 大概是因为没有识别出 IPv4 地址。

同样 dhcp 客户端

root@ubuntu:/var/log# dhclient -v
Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client 4.3.1
Copyright 2004-2014 Internet Systems Consortium.
All rights reserved.
For info, please visit https://www.isc.org/software/dhcp/

Error getting interfaces; Address family not supported by protocol
Can't get list of interfaces.


# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# Source interfaces
# Please check /etc/network/interfaces.d before changing this file
# as interfaces may have been defined in /etc/network/interfaces.d
# NOTE: the primary ethernet device is defined in
# /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0
# See LP: #1262951

source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*.cfg

eth0.cfg 是

# The primary network interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

(顺便说一下,更改为静态 IP 并没有什么区别)

与我的 arm 容器相比,我的 intel 容器 /run 目录非常稀疏,仅包含locksystemd(而在 intel 上,它包含一个网络子文件夹以及许多其他东西)

我猜这表明(但我真的不知道我在做什么)systemd“启动系统”有问题并且无法启动一堆服务。journalctl返回No journal files were found.并且/var/log相当稀疏,仅包含: pt btmp dist-upgrade dpkg.log fsck landscape lastlog unattended-upgrades wtmp

任何帮助,将不胜感激 :)



qemu: Unsupported syscall: 278
qemu: Unsupported syscall: 74
qemu: Unsupported syscall: 74


使用较新的 qemu 版本:

qemu-user-static (1:2.5+dfsg-5ubuntu10.4) to 1:2.6.1+dfsg-0~16.04

来自此 PPAhttps://launchpad.net/~jacob/+archive/ubuntu/virtualisation

情况有了很大改善。(但仍然没有 ipv4 网络)

/var/run 现在已填充预期目录(包括网络)

journalctl 现在可以工作并返回:

Aug 26 18:02:26 ubuntu systemd-journal[89]: Runtime journal is using 8.0M (max allowed 801.2M, trying to leave 1.1G free of 7.8G available <E2><86><92> current limit 801.2M).
Aug 26 18:02:26 ubuntu systemd-journal[89]: Runtime journal is using 8.0M (max allowed 801.2M, trying to leave 1.1G free of 7.8G available <E2><86><92> current limit 801.2M).
Aug 26 18:02:26 ubuntu systemd-journal[89]: Journal started
Aug 26 18:02:27 ubuntu systemd-sysctl[78]: Failed to write '1' to '/proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope': Permission denied
Aug 26 18:02:27 ubuntu systemd-sysctl[78]: Failed to write '176' to '/proc/sys/kernel/sysrq': Permission denied
Aug 26 18:02:27 ubuntu systemd-sysctl[78]: Failed to write '1' to '/proc/sys/fs/protected_hardlinks': Permission denied
Aug 26 18:02:27 ubuntu systemd-sysctl[78]: Failed to write '4 4 1 7' to '/proc/sys/kernel/printk': Permission denied
Aug 26 18:02:27 ubuntu systemd-sysctl[78]: Failed to write '1' to '/proc/sys/kernel/kptr_restrict': Permission denied
Aug 26 18:02:27 ubuntu systemd-sysctl[78]: Failed to write '1' to '/proc/sys/fs/protected_symlinks': Permission denied
Aug 26 18:02:27 ubuntu systemd-sysctl[78]: Failed to write '32768' to '/proc/sys/vm/mmap_min_addr': Permission denied
Aug 26 18:02:27 ubuntu systemd-udevd[74]: error initializing netlink socket
Aug 26 18:02:27 ubuntu systemd-remount-fs[62]: /bin/mount for / exited with exit status 1.
Aug 26 18:02:27 ubuntu systemd-udevd[92]: error initializing netlink socket
Aug 26 18:02:27 ubuntu systemd[1]: Failed to reset devices.list on /system.slice/systemd-journal-flush.service: Operation not permitted
Aug 26 18:02:27 ubuntu systemd[1]: Starting Flush Journal to Persistent Storage...
Aug 26 18:02:27 ubuntu systemd[1]: Started Load/Save Random Seed.
Aug 26 18:02:27 ubuntu systemd-journal[89]: Forwarding to syslog missed 2 messages.
Aug 26 18:02:27 ubuntu systemd-remount-fs[62]: mount: can't find LABEL=cloudimg-rootfs
Aug 26 18:02:27 ubuntu systemd[1]: Started Various fixups to make systemd work better on Debian.
Aug 26 18:02:27 ubuntu mount[67]: mount: permission denied
Aug 26 18:02:27 ubuntu systemd-udevd[108]: error initializing netlink socket
Aug 26 18:02:27 ubuntu systemd[1]: systemd-udevd.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=3/NOTIMPLEMENTED
Aug 26 18:02:27 ubuntu systemd[1]: Failed to start udev Kernel Device Manager.
Aug 26 18:02:27 ubuntu systemd[1]: Unit systemd-udevd.service entered failed state.
Aug 26 18:02:27 ubuntu systemd[1]: systemd-udevd.service failed.
Aug 26 18:02:27 ubuntu systemd[1]: systemd-udevd.service has no holdoff time, scheduling restart.
Aug 26 18:02:27 ubuntu systemd[1]: systemd-udevd-kernel.socket failed to listen on sockets: Address family not supported by protocol
Aug 26 18:02:27 ubuntu systemd[1]: Failed to listen on udev Kernel Socket.
Aug 26 18:02:27 ubuntu systemd[1]: Starting udev Kernel Socket.

相关错误行似乎是 Aug 26 18:02:27 ubuntu systemd-udevd[92]: error initializing netlink socket


我尝试过ifup eth0 -v使用 dhcp 和静态配置运行,但两种方式都出现了类似的错误:

DHCP服务Error getting interfaces; Address family not supported by protocol

静止的Cannot open netlink socket: Address family not supported by protocol



我遇到了完全相同的问题。lxc 容器没有获取 IPv4 地址。运行dhclient eth0 -v导致错误消息,幸运的是,它把我带到了这里


这个线程真的拯救了我。构建新的 qemu 二进制文件后,我可以让 armhf 容器使用此默认配置文件(eno1即主机上的以太网接口)加入我的 LAN:

name: default
config: {}
description: Default LXD profile
    name: eth0
    nictype: macvlan
    parent: eno1
    type: nic

我正在使用 qemu 2.7.0 二进制文件,你可以从源代码编译它并安装在某个<prefix>路径中

./configure --target-list=arm-linux-user --static --prefix=<prefix>
make install

在启动 armhf 容器之前,先将新的 qemu 放入其中

lxc file push <prefix>/bin/qemu-arm <name>/usr/bin/qemu-arm-static



事实证明,qemu 2.6.1 运行得不够好,无法在 arm 容器中实现网络运行。

我将以下 3 个补丁应用于 qemu 2.6.1(运行后apt get source qemu-user-static



然后从 deb 文件中提取新构建的内容qemu-aarch64-static并安装到容器中/usr/lib/lxd/container/$NAME/rootfs/usr/bin


eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:16:3e:54:2e:7c  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::216:3eff:fe54:2e7c/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:949 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:428 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
          RX bytes:1285688 (1.2 MB)  TX bytes:37196 (37.1 KB)
