GIMP 启动后立即崩溃

GIMP 启动后立即崩溃

启动 GIMP 后,程序会完全加载并显示主窗口和侧窗口。紧接着,程序崩溃且没有错误消息。没有出现“抱歉,GIMP 程序意外关闭”、“抱歉,Ubuntu 遇到内部错误。”或任何其他此类消息。从终端运行时,GIMP 会输出以下内容:

arcane@machine:~$ gimp

(gimp:7155): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: g_object_set_valist: object class 'GeglConfig' has no property named 'cache-size'

(gimp:7155): GEGL-gegl-operation.c-WARNING **: Cannot change name of operation class 0x1553000 from "gimp:point-layer-mode" to "gimp:dissolve-mode"

(gimp:7155): GEGL-gegl-operation.c-WARNING **: Cannot change name of operation class 0x15534D0 from "gimp:point-layer-mode" to "gimp:behind-mode"

(gimp:7155): GEGL-gegl-operation.c-WARNING **: Cannot change name of operation class 0x1553C80 from "gimp:point-layer-mode" to "gimp:multiply-mode"

(gimp:7155): GEGL-gegl-operation.c-WARNING **: Cannot change name of operation class 0x1553F60 from "gimp:point-layer-mode" to "gimp:screen-mode"

(gimp:7155): GEGL-gegl-operation.c-WARNING **: Cannot change name of operation class 0x1554350 from "gimp:point-layer-mode" to "gimp:overlay-mode"

(gimp:7155): GEGL-gegl-operation.c-WARNING **: Cannot change name of operation class 0x1554780 from "gimp:point-layer-mode" to "gimp:difference-mode"

(gimp:7155): GEGL-gegl-operation.c-WARNING **: Cannot change name of operation class 0x1554B40 from "gimp:point-layer-mode" to "gimp:addition-mode"

(gimp:7155): GEGL-gegl-operation.c-WARNING **: Cannot change name of operation class 0x1554F80 from "gimp:point-layer-mode" to "gimp:subtract-mode"

(gimp:7155): GEGL-gegl-operation.c-WARNING **: Cannot change name of operation class 0x1555340 from "gimp:point-layer-mode" to "gimp:darken-only-mode"

(gimp:7155): GEGL-gegl-operation.c-WARNING **: Cannot change name of operation class 0x1555790 from "gimp:point-layer-mode" to "gimp:lighten-only-mode"

(gimp:7155): GEGL-gegl-operation.c-WARNING **: Cannot change name of operation class 0x1555BA0 from "gimp:point-layer-mode" to "gimp:hue-mode"

(gimp:7155): GEGL-gegl-operation.c-WARNING **: Cannot change name of operation class 0x1555ED0 from "gimp:point-layer-mode" to "gimp:saturation-mode"

(gimp:7155): GEGL-gegl-operation.c-WARNING **: Cannot change name of operation class 0x1556330 from "gimp:point-layer-mode" to "gimp:color-mode"

(gimp:7155): GEGL-gegl-operation.c-WARNING **: Cannot change name of operation class 0x1557000 from "gimp:point-layer-mode" to "gimp:value-mode"

(gimp:7155): GEGL-gegl-operation.c-WARNING **: Cannot change name of operation class 0x1557330 from "gimp:point-layer-mode" to "gimp:divide-mode"

(gimp:7155): GEGL-gegl-operation.c-WARNING **: Cannot change name of operation class 0x15577B0 from "gimp:point-layer-mode" to "gimp:dodge-mode"

(gimp:7155): GEGL-gegl-operation.c-WARNING **: Cannot change name of operation class 0x1557B20 from "gimp:point-layer-mode" to "gimp:burn-mode"

(gimp:7155): GEGL-gegl-operation.c-WARNING **: Cannot change name of operation class 0x1557F70 from "gimp:point-layer-mode" to "gimp:hardlight-mode"

(gimp:7155): GEGL-gegl-operation.c-WARNING **: Cannot change name of operation class 0x1558310 from "gimp:point-layer-mode" to "gimp:softlight-mode"

(gimp:7155): GEGL-gegl-operation.c-WARNING **: Cannot change name of operation class 0x1558710 from "gimp:point-layer-mode" to "gimp:grain-extract-mode"

(gimp:7155): GEGL-gegl-operation.c-WARNING **: Cannot change name of operation class 0x1558B70 from "gimp:point-layer-mode" to "gimp:grain-merge-mode"

(gimp:7155): GEGL-gegl-operation.c-WARNING **: Cannot change name of operation class 0x1558F20 from "gimp:point-layer-mode" to "gimp:color-erase-mode"

(gimp:7155): GEGL-gegl-operation.c-WARNING **: Cannot change name of operation class 0x1559310 from "gimp:point-layer-mode" to "gimp:erase-mode"

(gimp:7155): GEGL-gegl-operation.c-WARNING **: Cannot change name of operation class 0x1559730 from "gimp:point-layer-mode" to "gimp:replace-mode"

(gimp:7155): GEGL-gegl-operation.c-WARNING **: Cannot change name of operation class 0x1559B00 from "gimp:point-layer-mode" to "gimp:anti-erase-mode"

(gimp:7155): Gimp-Widgets-CRITICAL **: gimp_device_info_set_device: assertion '(info->device == NULL && GDK_IS_DEVICE (device)) || (GDK_IS_DEVICE (info->device) && device == NULL)' failed
gimp: ../../../../src/cairo-scaled-font.c:459: _cairo_scaled_glyph_page_destroy: Assertion `!scaled_font->cache_frozen' failed.
gimp: terminated: Aborted

(script-fu:7162): LibGimpBase-WARNING **: script-fu: gimp_wire_read(): error

我尝试重新安装 GIMP 和 Python,并将 GNOME 3 shell 主题从 Numix 切换到 Radiance,但没有效果。我还尝试过rm -r .gimp-2.8,但没有效果。

我怎样才能让 GIMP 启动?

编辑:我使用 安装了 GIMP sudo apt-get install gimp,并尝试使用sudo apt-get remove gimp & sudo apt-get install gimp和重新安装sudo apt-get install --reinstall gimp


Xenial gimp 和 gegl-0.3 存在一个已知问题,会导致这些错误,并且也许您所看到的一些不稳定性:


如果你的机器不用于生产工作,而你想使用潜在的前沿技术,那么有一个针对 gimp 开发版本的 PPA 可以做到不是显示此错误。

警告:此版本的 gimp 并非总是有效,不应在生产机器上使用!

按如下方式添加 PPA 和较新的 gimp:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp-edge
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gimp

以这种方式安装的 gimp 版本没有疯狂的终端错误,并且非常稳定迄今为止在我的系统上:

单击可查看完整尺寸的图像... 单击可查看完整尺寸的图像...


  1. 如果你发现开发周期中的这个特定迭代非常稳定(这是我迄今为止的经验)别针此版本并避免进一步更新:

    sudo apt-mark hold gimp
  2. 如果你选择这条路,请像我一样花一点时间整理初始的深色背景和图标主题。开场主题根本不能很好地推销 gimp :)。
