sudo 服务状态包括不良;

sudo 服务状态包括不良;
$ sudo service cassandra status
● cassandra.service - LSB: distributed storage system for structured data
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/cassandra; bad; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2016-10-12 15:54:40 IDT; 4min 4s ago

bad;输出的第二行部分代表什么?我在许多服务中都看到过这个信息,例如 mysql、winbind、virtualbox,其中一些我已经完美地使用了(cassandra 是全新安装的)。



  • bad:显示Systemd Unit files启用状态
  • 您将在使用以下系统的系统中看到此类消息systemd
  • 您可以使用命令检查启用状态:

    sudo systemctl is-enabled <unit-name>

    如果该单元文件是本机 systemd 服务,那么它将给出输出enableddisabled等等。如果它不是本机 systemd 服务,那么它将报告类似的消息。

    sudo systemctl is-enabled apache2
    apache2.service is not a native service, redirecting to systemd-sysv-install
    Executing /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install is-enabled apache2


    systemctl status apache2
    service apache2 status




单元是 systemd 知道如何管理的对象。这些基本上是系统资源的标准化表示,可以由守护进程套件管理,并由提供的实用程序操作。它可用于抽象服务、网络资源、设备、文件系统挂载和隔离资源池。您可以详细阅读有关 systemd 单元的信息这里这里


systemctl status apache2
* apache2.service - LSB: Apache2 web server
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/apache2; bad; vendor preset: enabled)
  Drop-In: /lib/systemd/system/apache2.service.d
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2016-10-12 14:29:42 UTC; 17s ago
     Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
  Process: 1027 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/apache2 start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

systemctl 将检查是否apache2是本机单元。如果不是,则它将要求systemd-sysv-generator生成一个提供与本机单元类似的支持的单元格式的文件。在上面的示例中,生成的文件保存在 /lib/systemd/system/apache2.service.d/apache2-systemd.conf

Drop-In: /lib/systemd/system/apache2.service.d


man systemd-sysv-generator


is-enabled NAME...
       Checks whether any of the specified unit files are enabled (as with
       enable). Returns an exit code of 0 if at least one is enabled,
       non-zero otherwise. Prints the current enable status (see table).
       To suppress this output, use --quiet.

       Table 1.  is-enabled output
       |Name              | Description             | Exit Code |
       |"enabled"         | Enabled via             |           |
       +------------------+ .wants/, .requires/     |           |
       |"enabled-runtime" | or alias symlinks       |           |
       |                  | (permanently in         | 0         |
       |                  | /etc/systemd/system/,   |           |
       |                  | or transiently in       |           |
       |                  | /run/systemd/system/).  |           |
       |"linked"          | Made available through  |           |
       +------------------+ one or more symlinks    |           |
       |"linked-runtime"  | to the unit file        |           |
       |                  | (permanently in         |           |
       |                  | /etc/systemd/system/    |           |
       |                  | or transiently in       | > 0       |
       |                  | /run/systemd/system/),  |           |
       |                  | even though the unit    |           |
       |                  | file might reside       |           |
       |                  | outside of the unit     |           |
       |                  | file search path.       |           |
       |"masked"          | Completely disabled,    |           |
       +------------------+ so that any start       |           |
       |"masked-runtime"  | operation on it fails   |           |
       |                  | (permanently in         | > 0       |
       |                  | /etc/systemd/system/    |           |
       |                  | or transiently in       |           |
       |                  | /run/systemd/systemd/). |           |
       |"static"          | The unit file is not    | 0         |
       |                  | enabled, and has no     |           |
       |                  | provisions for enabling |           |
       |                  | in the "[Install]"      |           |
       |                  | section.                |           |
       |"indirect"        | The unit file itself is | 0         |
       |                  | not enabled, but it has |           |
       |                  | a non-empty Also=       |           |
       |                  | setting in the          |           |
       |                  | "[Install]" section,    |           |
       |                  | listing other unit      |           |
       |                  | files that might be     |           |
       |                  | enabled.                |           |
       |"disabled"        | Unit file is not        | > 0       |
       |                  | enabled, but contains   |           |
       |                  | an "[Install]" section  |           |
       |                  | with installation       |           |
       |                  | instructions.           |           |
       |"bad"             | Unit file is invalid or | > 0       |
       |                  | another error occurred. |           |
       |                  | Note that is-enabled    |           |
       |                  | will not actually       |           |
       |                  | return this state, but  |           |
       |                  | print an error message  |           |
       |                  | instead. However the    |           |
       |                  | unit file listing       |           |
       |                  | printed by              |           |
       |                  | list-unit-files might   |           |
       |                  | show it.                |           |


sudo systemctl is-enabled ssh

sudo systemctl is-enabled docker

sudo systemctl is-enabled apache2
apache2.service is not a native service, redirecting to systemd-sysv-install
Executing /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install is-enabled apache2

您可以查看单元是否是 systemd 原生的,例如sshdocker,在上面的输出中它将仅显示enabled,而对于非原生apache2但仍启用的单元,它会给出消息,而不是bad由于这种情况而在此处打印:

       |"bad"             | Unit file is invalid or | > 0       |
       |                  | another error occurred. |           |
       |                  | Note that is-enabled    |           |
       |                  | will not actually       |           |
       |                  | return this state, but  |           |
       |                  | print an error message  |           |
       |                  | instead. However the    |           |
       |                  | unit file listing       |           |
       |                  | printed by              |           |
       |                  | list-unit-files might   |           |
       |                  | show it.                |           |



您可以使用以下参考资料详细了解 systemd、systemctl 和单位:

  1. 系统控制

  2. 系统单元这里

  3. 系统化
