Ubuntu 16.04 安装在 1TB 外部硬盘上

Ubuntu 16.04 安装在 1TB 外部硬盘上

按照 askubuntu 上找到的几个教程后,我尝试在 Seagate Maxtor 1TB 外置硬盘上安装 Ubuntu 16.04。

我使用 gParted 对硬盘进行分区以使用 GPT 表,而不是 MBR。


The partition /dev/sdb3 assigned to / starts at an offset of 2048 bytes from the minimum alignment for this disk, which may lead to very poor performance.

Since you are formatting this partition, you should correct this problem now by realigning the partition, as it will be difficult to change later.

To do this, go back to the main partitioning menu, delete the partition, and recreate it in the same position with the same settings. This will cause the partition to start at a point best suited for this disk.


我注意到一件奇怪的事情,一开始有 33MB 的未分配磁盘空间。通常这个数字在我的主硬盘上是 1MB。

需要注意的是,这不是我第一次安装 Linux,但这是我第一次遇到这个消息。

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