我的电脑(联想 ideapad z580)在使用 Ubuntu GNOME 16.04 LTS 时过热

我的电脑(联想 ideapad z580)在使用 Ubuntu GNOME 16.04 LTS 时过热

我的电脑(Lenovo Ideapad z580)在运行 Ubuntu GNOME 16.04 LTS 时过热。


$ uname -a
Linux Mahadev 4.4.0-72-generic #93-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 31 14:07:41 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

$ lspci -nnk|grep -A2 VGA
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller [8086:0166] (rev 09)
  Subsystem: Lenovo 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller [17aa:3977]
  Kernel driver in use: i915


$ sensors
Adapter: Virtual device
temp1:        +52.0°C  (crit = +104.0°C)

Adapter: ISA adapter
Physical id 0:  +54.0°C  (high = +72.0°C, crit = +90.0°C)
Core 0:         +54.0°C  (high = +72.0°C, crit = +90.0°C)
Core 1:         +54.0°C  (high = +72.0°C, crit = +90.0°C)


vivek@Mahadev:~$ stress -t 300 -c $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) && 
stress: info: [4408] dispatching hogs: 4 cpu, 0 io, 0 vm, 0 hdd
stress: info: [4408] successful run completed in 300s
Adapter: Virtual device
temp1:        +73.0°C  (crit = +104.0°C)

Adapter: ISA adapter
Physical id 0:  +72.0°C  (high = +72.0°C, crit = +90.0°C)
Core 0:         +69.0°C  (high = +72.0°C, crit = +90.0°C)
Core 1:         +72.0°C  (high = +72.0°C, crit = +90.0°C)


    vivek@Mahadev:~$ sudo lshw -C cpu
    [sudo] password for vivek: 
         description: CPU
        product: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3110M CPU @ 2.40GHz
        vendor: Intel Corp.
       physical id: 0
       bus info: cpu@0
       version: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3110M CPU @ 2.40GHz
       serial: To Be Filled By O.E.M.
       slot: CPU Socket - U3E1
       size: 1302MHz
       capacity: 2400MHz
       width: 64 bits
       clock: 100MHz
       capabilities: x86-64 fpu fpu_exception wp vme de pse tsc msr 
pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx 
fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx rdtscp constant_tsc arch_perfmon 
pebs bts rep_good nopl xtopology nonstop_tsc aperfmperf eagerfpu pni 
  pclmulqdq dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm pcid 
  sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic popcnt tsc_deadline_timer xsave avx f16c lahf_lm 
  epb tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority ept vpid fsgsbase smep erms xsaveopt 
   dtherm arat pln pts cpufreq
          configuration: cores=2 enabledcores=2 threads=4

更新 这次我编辑了传感器,htop 命令结果如图所示。它变得过热了,我的笔记本电脑因过热而挂起,请观看并回复。谢谢。
