

我正在使用 Ubuntu 17.04 在 Docker 中设置 GitLab CI 脚本,几乎没有安装任何东西(Docker 标签ubuntu:zesty)。在脚本的过程中,apt-get install会进行一个配置例程,即使指定了keyboard-configuration,也会随机(!)请求选择键盘布局:--yes --assume-yes --force-yes

Setting up keyboard-configuration (1.142ubuntu5) ...
debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
debconf: (Dialog frontend will not work on a dumb terminal, an emacs shell buffer, or without a controlling terminal.)
debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline
Configuring keyboard-configuration

The layout of keyboards varies per country, with some countries having multiple
common layouts. Please select the country of origin for the keyboard of this

  1. Afghani                                     48. Iraqi
  2. Albanian                                    49. Irish
  3. Amharic                                     50. Italian
  4. Arabic                                      51. Japanese
  5. Arabic (Morocco)                            52. Japanese (PC-98xx Series)
  6. Arabic (Syria)                              53. Kazakh
  7. Armenian                                    54. Khmer (Cambodia)
  8. Azerbaijani                                 55. Korean
  9. Bambara                                     56. Kyrgyz
  10. Bangla                                     57. Lao
  11. Belarusian                                 58. Latvian
  12. Belgian                                    59. Lithuanian
  13. Bosnian                                    60. Macedonian
  14. Braille                                    61. Maltese
  15. Bulgarian                                  62. Maori
  16. Burmese                                    63. Moldavian
  17. Chinese                                    64. Mongolian
  18. Croatian                                   65. Montenegrin
  19. Czech                                      66. Nepali
  20. Danish                                     67. Norwegian
  21. Dhivehi                                    68. Persian
  22. Dutch                                      69. Polish
  23. Dzongkha                                   70. Portuguese
  24. English (Cameroon)                         71. Portuguese (Brazil)
  25. English (Ghana)                            72. Romanian
  26. English (Nigeria)                          73. Russian
  27. English (South Africa)                     74. Serbian
  28. English (UK)                               75. Sinhala (phonetic)
  29. English (US)                               76. Slovak
  30. Esperanto                                  77. Slovenian
  31. Estonian                                   78. Spanish
  32. Faroese                                    79. Spanish (Latin American)
  33. Filipino                                   80. Swahili (Kenya)
  34. Finnish                                    81. Swahili (Tanzania)
  35. French                                     82. Swedish
  36. French (Canada)                            83. Switzerland
  37. French (Democratic Republic of the Congo)  84. Taiwanese
  38. French (Guinea)                            85. Tajik
  39. French (Togo)                              86. Thai
  40. Georgian                                   87. Tswana
  41. German                                     88. Turkish
  42. German (Austria)                           89. Turkmen
  43. Greek                                      90. Ukrainian
  44. Hebrew                                     91. Urdu (Pakistan)
  45. Hungarian                                  92. Uzbek
  46. Icelandic                                  93. Vietnamese
  47. Indian                                     94. Wolof
Country of origin for the keyboard:

我不在乎选择哪个键盘,但我想English (US)可以作为伪标准。使用

  • yes 29 | apt-get ...不起作用,因为有一个关于键盘布局的后续问题,所以我需要使用expect复杂的,而且我想排除所有更简单的可能性。
  • env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive并确保它仍然随机地传递给子进程(!)需要输入。



重定向stdin。使用来自文件的输入运行命令:command < file。在文件中,您可以根据需要添加任意数量的新行,并在其上添加所有数字。例如,运行apt-get install keyboard-configuration <file文件包含的内容:

<next thing I need to type>
<whatever else>
