升级到 Ubuntu 18.10 后快照系统损坏

升级到 Ubuntu 18.10 后快照系统损坏

请帮助安装运行 snap 文件和与 Store 集成所需的所有软件包


snap list
2018/12/09 11:36:41.694959 main.go:162: argument "abort"'s "<смена ID>s" should be wrapped in <>s
2018/12/09 11:36:41.695044 main.go:162: argument "ack"'s "<файл подтверждения>s" should be wrapped in <>s
2018/12/09 11:36:41.695158 main.go:162: argument "tasks"'s "<смена ID>s" should be wrapped in <>s
2018/12/09 11:36:41.695197 main.go:162: argument "create-key"'s "<имя ключа>s" should be wrapped in <>s
2018/12/09 11:36:41.695229 main.go:162: argument "create-user"'s "<отослать>s" should be wrapped in <>s
2018/12/09 11:36:41.695245 main.go:162: argument "delete-key"'s "<имя ключа>s" should be wrapped in <>s
2018/12/09 11:36:41.695307 main.go:162: argument "export-key"'s "<имя ключа>s" should be wrapped in <>s
2018/12/09 11:36:41.695351 main.go:162: argument "find"'s "<запрос>s" should be wrapped in <>s
2018/12/09 11:36:41.695383 main.go:162: argument "get"'s "<ключ>s" should be wrapped in <>s
2018/12/09 11:36:41.695463 main.go:162: argument "interface"'s "<интерфейс>s" should be wrapped in <>s
2018/12/09 11:36:41.695506 main.go:162: argument "known"'s "<тип подтверждения>s" should be wrapped in <>s
2018/12/09 11:36:41.695517 main.go:162: argument "known"'s "<фильт заголовков>s" should be wrapped in <>s
2018/12/09 11:36:41.695549 main.go:162: argument "login"'s "<отослать>s" should be wrapped in <>s
2018/12/09 11:36:41.695614 main.go:162: argument "prepare-image"'s "<модель подтверждения>s" should be wrapped in <>s
2018/12/09 11:36:41.695626 main.go:162: argument "prepare-image"'s "<корневая директория>s" should be wrapped in <>s
2018/12/09 11:36:41.695676 main.go:162: argument "services"'s "<сервис>s" should be wrapped in <>s
2018/12/09 11:36:41.695714 main.go:162: argument "logs"'s "<сервис>s" should be wrapped in <>s
2018/12/09 11:36:41.695738 main.go:162: argument "start"'s "<сервис>s" should be wrapped in <>s
2018/12/09 11:36:41.695766 main.go:162: argument "stop"'s "<сервис>s" should be wrapped in <>s
2018/12/09 11:36:41.695789 main.go:162: argument "restart"'s "<сервис>s" should be wrapped in <>s
2018/12/09 11:36:41.695812 main.go:162: argument "set"'s "<конфигурационное значение>s" should be wrapped in <>s
2018/12/09 11:36:41.695856 main.go:162: argument "sign-build"'s "<имя файла>s" should be wrapped in <>s
2018/12/09 11:36:41.696189 main.go:162: argument "wait"'s "<ключ>s" should be wrapped in <>s
2018/12/09 11:36:41.696230 main.go:162: argument "watch"'s "<смена ID>s" should be wrapped in <>s
Name                  Version                    Rev   Tracking  Publisher   Notes
core                  16-2.36.2+git1055.114a76a  6095  edge      canonical✓  core
core18                18                         468   edge      canonical✓  base
gnome-calculator      3.30.1                     260   stable    canonical✓  -
gnome-characters      3.30.0                     139   stable    canonical✓  -
gnome-system-monitor  3.30.0                     57    stable    canonical✓  -
gtk-common-themes     0.1-4-g88bc1b2             818   stable    canonical✓  -



sudo update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8

使用 cat /etc/default/locale 检查更改


或者编辑 bash profiale /etc/bash.bashrc

export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8


Snap 在 Ubuntu 18.10 的外语环境下似乎遇到了问题。该错误已报告这里


sudo rm /usr/share/locale-langpack/ru/LC_MESSAGES/snappy.mo

LANG=C或者在任何 snap 命令之前使用
