RKHunter 给了我很多警告

RKHunter 给了我很多警告

我运行了 rkhunter 搜索并得到了这些......

[09:59:13] System checks summary
[09:59:13] =====================
[09:59:13] File properties checks...
[09:59:13] Files checked: 149
[09:59:13] Suspect files: 1
[09:59:13] Rootkit checks...
[09:59:13] Rootkits checked : 479
[09:59:13] Possible rootkits: 9
[09:59:13] Applications checks...
[09:59:13] All checks skipped
[09:59:13] The system checks took: 1 minute and 48 seconds
[09:59:13] Info: End date is Wed May  1 09:59:13 BST 2019


[09:58:56] Info: Starting test name 'passwd_changes'
[09:58:56]   Checking for passwd file changes                [ Warning ]
[09:58:56] Warning: User 'postfix' has been added to the passwd file.


我开始这个是因为我怀疑我的系统中存在一些 rootkit...


顺便说一下,我在 ubunty 18.04 上
