使用 nmcli 打开接口

使用 nmcli 打开接口

我想使用 nmcli 命令打开我的界面。该命令nmcli device connect wlp2s0对我不起作用,它给出了以下错误: Error: Failed to add/activate new connection: A 'wireless' setting is required if no AP path was given.




   nmcli radio {all | wifi | wwan} [ARGUMENTS...]

   Show radio switches status, or enable and disable the switches.

   wifi [on | off]
       Show or set status of Wi-Fi in NetworkManager. If no arguments are supplied, Wi-Fi
       status is printed; on enables Wi-Fi; off disables Wi-Fi.

   wwan [on | off]
       Show or set status of WWAN (mobile broadband) in NetworkManager. If no arguments are
       supplied, mobile broadband status is printed; on enables mobile broadband, off
       disables it.

   all [on | off]
       Show or set all previously mentioned radio switches at the same time.

nmcli radio wifi on
