使用命令行的 GIMP

使用命令行的 GIMP

我想使用某些图像进行一些操作GIMP通过 Ubuntu 上的命令行。我想要执行的操作是:

  1. 打开图片
  2. 将图像转换为灰度
  3. 将 PNG 图像转换为 JPEG



我不知道如何使用 Gimp 来完成这项任务,但实际上我认为软件包中的工具imagemagick是此类 CLI 任务的更好选择。此软件包被广泛用作 Web 服务器应用程序(如 MediaWiki 和 WordPress)上的转换工具,也是图形应用程序(如 PhotoShop)执行的一些操作的后端。首先,您需要安装软件包:

sudo apt install imagemagick


convert input-file.png -set colorspace Gray -separate -average output-file.jpg

如果您需要转换当前目录中的所有 PNG 文件,则可以使用如下循环:

for f in *.png; do convert "$f" -set colorspace Gray -separate -average "${f%.*}.jpg"; done


  1. 打开图像非常容易(image.png是您想要打开的图像)

    gimp image.png

  1. 将 RGB 图像转换为灰度图像:

    创建一个 GIMP Script-Fu 文件(在此处命名dmmConvertPNGtoGrayscale.scm并保存在$HOME/.gimp-2.8/scripts):

    ; dmmPNGtoGrayscale - GIMP Script-Fu to convert a PNG image to Grayscale
    ;    This Script-Fu must be put in The GIMP's script directory
    ;    (e.g., $HOME/.gimp-1.2/scripts).
    ;    For command-line invocation, use the shell script rgbtogs.sh
    ;    For interactive invocation, run The GIMP and go to
    ;    Xtns -> Script-Fu -> dmm
    (define (dmmPNGtoGrayscale infile outfile)
       (let* ((image (car (file-png-load 1 infile infile)))
                 (drawable (car (gimp-image-active-drawable image)))
             (gimp-convert-grayscale image)
             (file-png-save 1 image drawable outfile outfile 
                  1 0 0 0 0 0 0 )
                ; 1 Adam7 interlacing?
                ;   0 deflate compression factor (0-9)
                ;     0 Write bKGD chunk?
                ;       0 Write gAMMA chunk?
                ;         0 Write oFFs chunk?
                ;           0 Write tIME chunk?    ?? backwards in DB Browser
                ;             0 Write pHYS chunk?  ?? backwards in DB Browser
    (script-fu-register                                 ; I always forget these ...
       "dmmPNGtoGrayscale"                              ; script name to register
       "<Toolbox>/Xtns/Script-Fu/dmm/dmmPNGtoGrayscale" ; where it goes
       "dmm PNG (RGB or Indexed) to Grayscale"          ; script description
       "David M. MacMillan"                             ; author
       "Copyright 2004 by David M. MacMillan; GNU GPL"  ; copyright
       "2004-02-08"                                     ; date
       ""                                               ; type of image
       SF-FILENAME "Infile" "infile.png"                ; default parameters
       SF-FILENAME "Outfile" "outfile.png"


    # rgbtogs.sh
    # Invoke The GIMP with Script-Fu dmmPNGtoGrayscale.scm
    # No error checking.
    if [ -e $1 ] 
       echo "Usage: rgbtogs.sh degrees filebasename"
       echo "Error: Parameter (filename base) required"
       exit 1
    gimp -c -i -d -b "(dmmPNGtoGrayscale \"$1.png\" \"$1-gray.png\")" "(gimp-quit 0)"


    chmod +x rgbtogs.sh
    ./rgbtogs.sh image

  1. 将 PNG 图像转换为 JPEG(或 JPG):

    创建一个 GIMP Script-Fu 文件(在此处命名dmmConvertPNGtoJPG.scm并保存在$HOME/.gimp-2.8/scripts):

    ; dmmConvertPNGtoJPG.scm - GIMP Script-Fu to Convert PNG to JPG
    ;    This Script-Fu must be put in The GIMP's script directory
    ;    (e.g., $HOME/.gimp-1.2/scripts).
    ;    For command-line invocation, use the shell script pngtojpg.sh
    ;    For interactive invocation, run The GIMP and go to
    ;    Xtns -> Script-Fu -> dmm
    (define (dmmConvertPNGtoJPG infile outfile)
       (let* ((image (car (file-png-load 1 infile infile)))
              (drawable (car (gimp-image-active-drawable image)))
             (file-jpeg-save 1 image drawable outfile outfile 
                  0.75 0 1 1 "GIMP" 0 1 0 0 )
                ; 0.75 quality (float 0 <= x <= 1)
                ;      0 smoothing factor (0 <= x <= 1)
                ;        1 optimization of entropy encoding parameter (0/1)
                ;          1 enable progressive jpeg image loading (0/1)
                ;            "xxxx"  image comment
                ;                   0 subsampling option number
                ;                     1 force creation of a baseline JPEG
                ;                       0 frequency of restart markers 
                ;                         in rows, 0 = no restart markers
                ;                         0 DCT algoritm to use 
    (script-fu-register                                 ; I always forget these ...
       "dmmConvertPNGtoJPG"                             ; script name to register
       "<Toolbox>/Xtns/Script-Fu/dmm/dmmConvertPNGtoJPG" ; where it goes
       "dmm Convert PNG to JPG"                         ; script description
       "David M. MacMillan"                             ; author
       "Copyright 2004 by David M. MacMillan; GNU GPL"  ; copyright
       "2004-01-27"                                     ; date
       ""                                               ; type of image
       SF-FILENAME "Infile" "infile.png"                ; default parameters
       SF-FILENAME "Outfile" "outfile.png"


    # pngtojpg.sh
    # Invoke The GIMP with Script-Fu dmmConvertPNGtoJPG.scm
    # No error checking.
    if [ -e $1 ] 
       echo "Usage: pngtojpg.sh filebasename"
       echo "Error: Parameter 1 (filename base) required"
       exit 1
    gimp -c -i -d -b "(dmmConvertPNGtoJPG \"$1.png\" \"$1.jpg\")" "(gimp-quit 0)"


    chmod +x pngtojpg.sh
    ./pngtojpg.sh image

来源 :http://beefchunk.com/documentation/lang/gimp/GIMP-Scripts-Fu.html

注意:在 GIMP Script-Fu 文件中,你可以删除所有以字符开头的行;(或该字符右侧的所有内容),这些只是注释

注意:这些.scm脚本最初是为 GIMP 1.2 制作的,但我用 GIMP 2.8 测试过,没有问题


您可以运行gimp -h以获取 gimp 可用的不同选项

1.打开一张图片 gimp -n image_name.xxx

2.将图像转换为灰度我不知道是否可以使用 Gimp 浏览这些链接:https://www.gimp.org/tutorials/Basic_Batch/


3.将 png 图像转换为 jpeg


convert image1.xxx image2.yyy
