ssh 公钥问题:/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id:错误:未找到身份

ssh 公钥问题:/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id:错误:未找到身份

我有两个用户,每个用户都有自己的运行 Ubuntu 的计算机。我想从另一个用户(例如客户端 PC)远程访问其中一个用户(例如桌面服务器)。
我尝试按照此答案中的相关部分启用基于公钥的身份验证(在家庭局域网中使用 SSH 连接两台计算机)我从客户端电脑上的命令开始

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096


ssh-copy-id [email protected]

其中 emanuele@emanuele-desktop 是我想要远程访问的桌面服务器的 user@comp

/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: No identities found



ssh-copy-id期望用户的公钥文件位于~/.ssh- 具体来说:

 The default_ID_file is the most recent file that matches: ~/.ssh/id*.pub,
 (excluding those that match ~/.ssh/* so if you create a key
 that is not the one you want ssh-copy-id to use, just use touch(1) on
 your preferred key's .pub file to reinstate it as the most recent.

相应地,这就是ssh-keygen默认写入生成的密钥的地方 - 如果您在运行时选择了非默认文件位置ssh-keygen,则可以ssh-copy-id使用以下选项指定该-i位置:

 -i identity_file
         Use only the key(s) contained in identity_file (rather than look‐
         ing for identities via ssh-add(1) or in the default_ID_file).  If
         the filename does not end in .pub this is added.  If the filename
         is omitted, the default_ID_file is used.
