我认为 rsync://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists 与 https://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists 不匹配,您能验证一下吗?

我认为 rsync://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists 与 https://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists 不匹配,您能验证一下吗?

我正在尝试维护 old-releases.ubuntu.com 的 rsync 镜像,当我 rsync /ubuntu/dists 目录时,我得到的结果与在https://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists.当我访问https://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists,我得到了我期望的版本。

从 rsync 路径中,我得到了 bionic、devel、focal、groovy 等,但在 https 路径中,我看到了 artful、breezy、cosmic 等。



# rsync -av --delete rsync://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists . 
receiving incremental file list

sent 7,044 bytes  received 1,647,057 bytes  220,546.80 bytes/sec
total size is 66,910,170,553  speedup is 40,451.08
# ls dists
bionic            focal             hirsute            trusty
bionic-backports  focal-backports   hirsute-backports  trusty-backports
bionic-proposed   focal-proposed    hirsute-proposed   trusty-proposed
bionic-security   focal-security    hirsute-security   trusty-security
bionic-updates    focal-updates     hirsute-updates    trusty-updates
devel             groovy            precise            xenial
devel-backports   groovy-backports  precise-backports  xenial-backports
devel-proposed    groovy-proposed   precise-proposed   xenial-proposed
devel-security    groovy-security   precise-security   xenial-security
devel-updates     groovy-updates    precise-updates    xenial-updates



它基于 rsync 模块,而不仅仅是域本身。

❯ rsync -avvv rsync://old-releases.ubuntu.com /tmp/ubuntu-cd
opening tcp connection to old-releases.ubuntu.com port 873
Connected to old-releases.ubuntu.com (
sending daemon args: --server --sender -vvvlogDtpre.iLsfxCIvu . /  (5 args)
This is an Ubuntu mirror - treat it kindly

releases        Ubuntu Releases CD Images
maas-images     MAAS images
simple-streams  Juju Simple Streams Mirror
lxc-images      Linux Containers (LXC/LXD) Images
cloud-images    Ubuntu Cloud Images
cdimage         Ubuntu CD Images
ubuntu          Ubuntu Archive
ubuntu-cloud-archive    Ubuntu Cloud Archive
old-releases    Ubuntu Old Releases
ubuntu-ports    Ubuntu Ports Archive
extras          Ubuntu Extras
