如何列出通过 安装的应用程序snap
lz@vm:$ snap help
The snap command lets you install, configure, refresh and remove snaps.
Snaps are packages that work across many different Linux distributions,
enabling secure delivery and operation of the latest apps and utilities.
Usage: snap <command> [<options>...]
Commonly used commands can be classified as follows:
Basics: find, info, install, remove, list
...more: refresh, revert, switch, disable, enable, create-cohort
History: changes, tasks, abort, watch
Daemons: services, start, stop, restart, logs
Permissions: connections, interface, connect, disconnect
Configuration: get, set, unset, wait
App Aliases: alias, aliases, unalias, prefer
Account: login, logout, whoami
Snapshots: saved, save, check-snapshot, restore, forget
Device: model, reboot, recovery
... Other: warnings, okay, known, ack, version
Development: download, pack, run, try