我按照门户网站 Linux Ubuntu 上描述的说明进行操作,其中讨论了如何修复连接到 USB 端口时无法检测到的 USB 设备。
ubuntu @ ubuntu:〜$ sudo apt-get install -y python-dev software-properties-common wget vim
Reading package lists ... Done
Building a dependency tree
Reading status information ... Done
The python-dev package does not have a version available but is referenced by another package.
Typically, this means that the package is missing, has been replaced with another one
package or is not available from currently set sources.
However, the following packages replace it:
E: The python-dev package is not a candidate for installation
ubuntu @ ubuntu: ~ $
在 Ubuntu 20.04 及更高版本中,python-dev 已升级为 python3-dev。打开终端并输入:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-dev software-properties-common wget vim