升级到 Ubuntu 22.04 后 SSH/GIT 命令卡住

升级到 Ubuntu 22.04 后 SSH/GIT 命令卡住

升级至Ubuntu 22.04从 Ubuntu 20.04 开始,我遇到了一些git命令问题。例如,一个简单的git clonegit pull来自 github 的命令会一直挂起/冻结,没有任何错误。



$ ssh [email protected]
PTY allocation request failed on channel 0
Hi davideicardi! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.
Connection to github.com closed.

使用-T(按照 github 的建议)它只是永远挂起:

$ ssh -T [email protected]


debug1: Next authentication method: publickey
debug1: Offering public key: /home/davide/.ssh/id_ed25519 ED25519 SHA256:MY_PUB_KEY agent
debug1: Server accepts key: /home/davide/.ssh/id_ed25519 ED25519 SHA256:MY_PUB_KEY agent
Authenticated to github.com ([]:22) using "publickey".
debug1: channel 0: new [client-session]
debug1: Entering interactive session.
debug1: pledge: filesystem
debug1: client_input_global_request: rtype [email protected] want_reply 0
debug1: client_input_hostkeys: searching /home/davide/.ssh/known_hosts for github.com / (none)
debug1: client_input_hostkeys: searching /home/davide/.ssh/known_hosts2 for github.com / (none)
debug1: client_input_hostkeys: hostkeys file /home/davide/.ssh/known_hosts2 does not exist
debug1: client_input_hostkeys: no new or deprecated keys from server
debug1: Sending environment.
debug1: channel 0: setting env LC_ADDRESS = "it_IT.UTF-8"
debug1: channel 0: setting env LC_NAME = "it_IT.UTF-8"
debug1: channel 0: setting env LC_MONETARY = "it_IT.UTF-8"
debug1: channel 0: setting env LC_PAPER = "it_IT.UTF-8"
debug1: channel 0: setting env LANG = "en_US.UTF-8"
debug1: channel 0: setting env LC_IDENTIFICATION = "it_IT.UTF-8"
debug1: channel 0: setting env LC_TELEPHONE = "it_IT.UTF-8"
debug1: channel 0: setting env LC_MEASUREMENT = "it_IT.UTF-8"
debug1: channel 0: setting env LC_TIME = "it_IT.UTF-8"
debug1: channel 0: setting env LC_NUMERIC = "it_IT.UTF-8"

我尝试使用重新生成 ssh 密钥ed25519但没有任何变化。

如果我运行,GIT_TRACE=true git pull我会得到以下输出:

11:59:41.975683 git.c:460               trace: built-in: git pull
11:59:41.976410 run-command.c:654       trace: run_command: git fetch --update-head-ok
11:59:41.977594 git.c:460               trace: built-in: git fetch --update-head-ok
11:59:41.978231 run-command.c:654       trace: run_command: unset GIT_PREFIX; GIT_PROTOCOL=version=2 ssh -o SendEnv=GIT_PROTOCOL [email protected] 'git-upload-pack '\''MY_ORG/MY_REPO.git'\'''


我没有任何特定的 ssh 配置,我只是使用默认配置。

我也尝试重新安装 git,但是没有成功。


更新 1

使用IPQoS=throughput修复问题,例如使用或添加到。另请参阅ssh -T -o IPQoS=throughput [email protected]IPQoS throughput/etc/ssh/ssh_configIPQoS 选项

