我试图让 HDMI 工作,但视频驱动程序却破坏了 UEFI,我无法回到原来的状态,也无法安装任何更新

我试图让 HDMI 工作,但视频驱动程序却破坏了 UEFI,我无法回到原来的状态,也无法安装任何更新

我有一个 ConceptD,上面只有 Ubuntu 22.04,我试图让 HDMI 工作,所以我“欺骗”了视频驱动程序。这导致了某种 UEFI 错误,我重新启动并出于无知跳过了 MOK 注册。现在我无法前进或后退,BIOS 不允许我编辑安全启动或 UEFI。这导致所有更新都返回此错误


 ┌────────────────────────┤ Configuring Secure Boot ├────────────────────────┐
 │                                                                           │ 
 │ Your system has UEFI Secure Boot enabled.                                   
 │ UEFI Secure Boot requires additional configuration to work with             
 │ third-party drivers.                                                        
 │ The system will assist you in configuring UEFI Secure Boot. To permit       
 │ the use of third-party drivers, a new Machine-Owner Key (MOK) has been      
 │ generated. This key now needs to be enrolled in your system's firmware.     
 │ To ensure that this change is being made by you as an authorized user,      
 │ and not by an attacker, you must choose a password now and then confirm     
 │ the change after reboot using the same password, in both the "Enroll        
 │ MOK" and "Change Secure Boot state" menus that will be presented to you     
 │ when this system reboots.                                                   
 │                                  <Ok>                                       
 │                                                                           │ 




因此我设置了一个 UEFI 密码来启动,然后我就可以禁用安全启动。

修复 UEFI 后,我运行了 sudo apt-get install -f,然后运行了 sudo apt-get update。然后,当系统提示进行部分更新时,它运行完成。
