我昨天安装了 ubuntu 22.04,并且毫无问题地连接到我家里的 wifi(我想,是因为我很快切换到了有线连接),然后今天我在另一个家,我无法连接到这里的 wifi。
当我输入 wifi 密码并尝试连接时,它卡在连接状态。看到此情况后,我跑去nmcli m
wlp6s0: using connection 'MyNetworkName'
wlp6s0: connecting (prepare)
Networkmanager is now in the 'connecting' state
wlp6s0: connecting (configuring)
wlp6s0: connecting (need authentication)
wlp6s0: connecting (prepare)
wlp6s0: connecting (configuring)
MyNetworkName: connection profile changed
wlp6s0: connecting (getting IP configuration)
Connectivity is now 'limited'
Connectivity is now 'full'
wlp6s0: connection failed
Networkmanager is now in the 'disconnected' state
wlp6s0: disconnected
Connectivity is now 'limited'
Connectivity is now 'none'
wlp6s0: using connection 'MyNetworkName'
wlp6s0: connecting (prepare)
Networkmanager is now in the 'connecting' state
wlp6s0: connecting (configuring)
wlp6s0: connecting (need authentication)
wlp6s0: connecting (prepare)
wlp6s0: connecting (configuring)
MyNetworkName: connection profile changed
wlp6s0: connecting (getting IP configuration)
Connectivity is now 'limited'
Connectivity is now 'full'
wlp6s0: connection failed
Networkmanager is now in the 'disconnected' state
wlp6s0: disconnected
Connectivity is now 'limited'
Connectivity is now 'none'
据我所知,这种行为会一直循环下去。当连接“已满”时,我可以正常访问网站,尽管 wifi 图标仍指示正在连接,但这仅持续约 30 秒。
所有其他设备在此网络中正常工作,而且,当我从连接到同一网络的智能手机创建 wifi 热点时,我可以正常连接到它。这让我认为我的计算机设置和路由器设置之间存在某种不兼容,但我不知道从哪里开始,所以如果有人至少能给我一些指点,那就太好了,谢谢!如果需要任何 nore 日志,请告诉我,我会很快获取它们并在此处发布。