什么原因导致我的 DNS 解析无法正常工作?

什么原因导致我的 DNS 解析无法正常工作?

我在 Ubuntu 22.04 上遇到了奇怪的行为。例如,我在 Youtube 上观看某些内容,然后流媒体会无限期停止,视频会冻结。然后我会尝试访问另一个网页,浏览器(chrome)会抱怨它无法解析 URL。重新启动可以解决问题。这种情况经常发生在我身上,我希望能够在不重新启动的情况下解决问题。有人知道为什么我的机器一直失去执行 DNS 解析的能力,以及我如何在不重新启动的情况下解决这个问题?


根据要求,我提供了 journalctl -xe -u systemd-resolved.service 的输出

Oct 25 11:34:13 yaakov-HP-ENVY-Desktop-795-00xx systemd[1]: Stopping Network Name Resolution...
Oct 25 11:34:13 yaakov-HP-ENVY-Desktop-795-00xx systemd-resolved[495]: Failed to create graveyard IO source: Stale file handle
Oct 25 11:34:13 yaakov-HP-ENVY-Desktop-795-00xx systemd-resolved[495]: Failed to create graveyard IO source: Stale file handle
Oct 25 11:34:13 yaakov-HP-ENVY-Desktop-795-00xx systemd-resolved[495]: Failed to create graveyard IO source: Stale file handle
Oct 25 11:34:13 yaakov-HP-ENVY-Desktop-795-00xx systemd-resolved[495]: Failed to create graveyard IO source: Stale file handle
Oct 25 11:34:13 yaakov-HP-ENVY-Desktop-795-00xx systemd-resolved[495]: Failed to create graveyard IO source: Stale file handle
Oct 25 11:34:13 yaakov-HP-ENVY-Desktop-795-00xx systemd-resolved[495]: Failed to create graveyard IO source: Stale file handle
Oct 25 11:34:13 yaakov-HP-ENVY-Desktop-795-00xx systemd-resolved[495]: Failed to create graveyard IO source: Stale file handle
Oct 25 11:34:13 yaakov-HP-ENVY-Desktop-795-00xx systemd-resolved[495]: Failed to create graveyard IO source: Stale file handle
Oct 25 11:34:13 yaakov-HP-ENVY-Desktop-795-00xx systemd-resolved[495]: Failed to create graveyard IO source: Stale file handle
Oct 25 11:34:13 yaakov-HP-ENVY-Desktop-795-00xx systemd-resolved[495]: Failed to create graveyard IO source: Stale file handle
Oct 25 11:34:13 yaakov-HP-ENVY-Desktop-795-00xx systemd[1]: systemd-resolved.service: Deactivated successfully.
 Subject: Unit succeeded
 Defined-By: systemd
 Support: http://www.ubuntu.com/support
 The unit systemd-resolved.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state.
Oct 25 11:34:13 yaakov-HP-ENVY-Desktop-795-00xx systemd[1]: Stopped Network Name Resolution.
 Subject: A stop job for unit systemd-resolved.service has finished
 Defined-By: systemd
 Support: http://www.ubuntu.com/support
 A stop job for unit systemd-resolved.service has finished.
 The job identifier is 2877 and the job result is done.
Oct 25 11:34:13 yaakov-HP-ENVY-Desktop-795-00xx systemd[1]: systemd-resolved.service: Consumed 1.985s CPU time.
Subject: Resources consumed by unit runtime
Defined-By: systemd
Support: http://www.ubuntu.com/support

The unit systemd-resolved.service completed and consumed the indicated resources.
