我应该为 Nagios 安装哪个 mailx 包?

我应该为 Nagios 安装哪个 mailx 包?

我正在关注Nagios Ubuntu 快速入门说明。我在 Ubuntu 10.10 上安装 Nagios 3.2.3。

在文档的底部,它说我需要安装 mailx 和 postfix 包。 (Postfix 已经安装。) 但是当我尝试安装 mailx 时,系统会询问我要安装哪个包:

$ sudo apt-get install mailx
[sudo] password for nagios: 
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
Package mailx is a virtual package provided by:
  mailutils 1:2.1+dfsg1-4ubuntu1
  heirloom-mailx 12.4-1.1
  bsd-mailx 8.1.2-0.20090911cvs-2ubuntu1
You should explicitly select one to install.
E: Package mailx has no installation candidate




以下是部分apt-cache show mailx输出:

Depends: bsd-mailx
Description: Transitional package for mailx rename
 This dummy package is provided to smooth the upgrade from mailx to
 bsd-mailx and can be safely removed afterwards.


但如果您不知道这一点(或者其他人不知道),nagios 的存储库中已经有许多预构建的软件包。

以下是一些经过稍微编辑的输出apt-cache search nagios

nagios3-core - A host/service/network monitoring and management system core files
nagios3 - A host/service/network monitoring and management system
nagios3-cgi - cgi files for nagios3
nagios3-common - support files for nagios3
nagios3-dbg - debugging symbols and debug stuff for nagios3
nagios3-doc - documentation for nagios3
nagios-images - Collection of images and icons for the nagios system
nagios-nrpe-server - Nagios Remote Plugin Executor Server
nagios-plugins - Plugins for the nagios network monitoring and management system
nagios-plugins-basic - Plugins for the nagios network monitoring and management system
nagios-plugins-standard - Plugins for the nagios network monitoring and management system
djagios - A package to help configure nagios written in Django
libnagios-object-perl - module to parse and represent Nagios configuration as objects
libnagios-plugin-perl - family of perl modules to streamline writing Nagios
mailping - monitor email service availability and functioning
nagcon - console application interfacing to Nagios
nagios-nrpe-plugin - Nagios Remote Plugin Executor Plugin
nagios-plugins-extra - Plugins for the nagios network monitoring and manegement system.
nagios-snmp-plugins - SNMP Plugins for nagios
nagios-statd-client - Nagios client for monitoring remote system information
nagios-statd-server - Nagios server for monitoring remote system information
nagiosgrapher - Charting add-on for Nagios
nagstamon - Nagios status monitor which takes place in systray or on desktop
nagvis - Visualization addon for Nagios
ndoutils-nagios3-mysql - This provides the NDOUtils for Nagios with MySQL support
nsca - Nagios service monitor agent
pomamonitor - A simple host downtime alert for GNOME/KDE desktop


您可能已经安装了合适的程序。尝试以下命令:mailx -s Test postmastermail -s Test postmaster。通过连续输入到 s 退出命令ctrl-c。如果找到任何一个,并且按上述方式调用时没有失败,则应该没问题。如果其中一个失败,则需要验证所使用的命令是否是 Nagios 使用的命令。如有必要,您可以在配置中更改命令。
