Ubuntu 12.04 中联想 3000 N 200 触摸板出现故障

Ubuntu 12.04 中联想 3000 N 200 触摸板出现故障




-login using Ubuntu Classic 
-Go to the system menu. Select preferences, assistive technologies. 
-In the Assistive Technologies Preferences window, select "Enable assistive technologies" and then click on "mouse accessibility." 
-In the mouse preferences window, select the accessibility tab. Check the box for "initiate click when stopping pointer movement." 
-Close those windows and return to the desktop. Right click on the gray panel At the top of the screen and select "Add to Panel..." Select Dwell Click Applet from the list. 
-The dwell clicker should now be functional. Hover over the mouse icon on the panel applet to enable/disable it. 
-It is now possible to login using Unity, and the dwell clicker still works, but the applet is not displayed. Additionally, if I close the click selection window, I have no way of choosing a click type. 

这是我从哪里获得此信息的链接。 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1902263
