Debian 8.6 中的 HP 2600n 彩色激光打印机

Debian 8.6 中的 HP 2600n 彩色激光打印机


我正在运行 Debian 8.6,我尝试了发行版中的“hplip”,我可以添加带有杯子的打印机,但随后我得到:

D [21/Oct/2016:13:34:29 +0200] [Job 38] Connected to printer.
D [21/Oct/2016:13:34:29 +0200] [Job 38] Connected to
D [21/Oct/2016:13:34:29 +0200] [Job 38] backendRunLoop(print_fd=0, device_fd=8, snmp_fd=7, addr=0x55a55ac99a08, use_bc=1, side_cb=0x55a559a55200)
D [21/Oct/2016:13:34:29 +0200] [Job 38] Read 16 bytes of print data...
D [21/Oct/2016:13:34:29 +0200] [Job 38] Wrote 16 bytes of print data...
D [21/Oct/2016:13:34:29 +0200] [Job 38] Waiting for printer to finish. 
D [21/Oct/2016:13:34:29 +0200] [Job 38] PID 15394 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/dnssd) exited with no errors.
D [21/Oct/2016:13:34:29 +0200] [Job 38] Processing page 3...
D [21/Oct/2016:13:34:29 +0200] [Job 38] Processing page 4...
D [21/Oct/2016:13:34:29 +0200] [Job 38] Rendering completed 
D [21/Oct/2016:13:34:29 +0200] [Job 38] PID 15392 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/gstoraster) exited with no errors.
D [21/Oct/2016:13:34:29 +0200] [Job 38] End of messages
D [21/Oct/2016:13:34:29 +0200] [Job 38] printer-state=3(idle)
D [21/Oct/2016:13:34:29 +0200] [Job 38] printer-state-message="Rendering completed"
D [21/Oct/2016:13:34:29 +0200] [Job 38] printer-state-reasons=hplip.plugin-error
E [21/Oct/2016:13:39:30 +0200] [Job 38] Stopping unresponsive job.  

好吧……它就是行不通。所以我清除了“hplip”解决方案并直接从 hp 尝试了“”。我知道这会将 apt 不知道的文件安装到系统中......但我对此很满意。我希望我的硬件能够工作。


Following dependencies are not installed. 'HPLIP' will not work if all 
REQUIRED dependencies are not installed and some of the 'HPLIP' features will
not work if OPTIONAL dependencies are not installed.
Package-Name         Component            Required/Optional   
pyqt5-dbus           gui_qt5              REQUIRED            
libcrypto            network              REQUIRED            
libnetsnmp-devel     network              REQUIRED            
sane-devel           scan                 REQUIRED            
pyqt4-dbus           gui_qt4              REQUIRED            
cups-devel           base                 REQUIRED            
pyqt5                gui_qt5              REQUIRED            
libtool              base                 REQUIRED            
cups-image           base                 REQUIRED            
xsane                scan                 OPTIONAL            
dbus                 fax                  REQUIRED            
avahi-utils          network              OPTIONAL            



8.6 中甚至不存在,该驱动程序显然是为 8.5 编写的。

