在 Precise 中如何收集 /dev/random 的熵

在 Precise 中如何收集 /dev/random 的熵

/dev/random使用标准安装的 Ubuntu 12.04,收集的熵是如何的?





Linux 手册页

字符特殊文件 /dev/random 和 /dev/urandom(自 Linux 1.3.30 开始出现)为内核的随机数生成器提供了接口。文件 /dev/random 的主设备号为 1,次设备号为 8。文件 /dev/urandom 的主设备号为 1,次设备号为 9。


在 Ubuntu 12.04 中默认内核是 3.11


Linux 内核根据键盘计时、鼠标移动和 IDE 计时生成熵,并通过特殊文件 /dev/random 和 /dev/urandom 将随机字符数据提供给其他操作系统进程。此功能在 Linux 版本 1.3.30 中引入。

从 Linux手册页

读取时,/dev/random 设备将仅返回熵池中估计的噪声位数内的随机字节。/dev/random 应该适合需要极高质量随机性的用途,例如一次性密码本或密钥生成。当熵池为空时,/dev/random 的读取将被阻止,直到收集到额外的环境噪声。


 * Theory of operation
 * ===================
 * Computers are very predictable devices.  Hence it is extremely hard
 * to produce truly random numbers on a computer --- as opposed to
 * pseudo-random numbers, which can easily generated by using a
 * algorithm.  Unfortunately, it is very easy for attackers to guess
 * the sequence of pseudo-random number generators, and for some
 * applications this is not acceptable.  So instead, we must try to
 * gather "environmental noise" from the computer's environment, which
 * must be hard for outside attackers to observe, and use that to
 * generate random numbers.  In a Unix environment, this is best done
 * from inside the kernel.
 * Sources of randomness from the environment include inter-keyboard
 * timings, inter-interrupt timings from some interrupts, and other
 * events which are both (a) non-deterministic and (b) hard for an
 * outside observer to measure.  Randomness from these sources are
 * added to an "entropy pool", which is mixed using a CRC-like function.
 * This is not cryptographically strong, but it is adequate assuming
 * the randomness is not chosen maliciously, and it is fast enough that
 * the overhead of doing it on every interrupt is very reasonable.
 * As random bytes are mixed into the entropy pool, the routines keep
 * an *estimate* of how many bits of randomness have been stored into
 * the random number generator's internal state.




另请阅读这个问题在 stackoverflow 上


真正的随机性来自物理世界,而不是确定性的伪随机数生成器。Linux 内核收集随机时间并将信息添加到其熵池中。我建议进入内核源代码

输入熵参考函数调用:add_interrupt_randomness(irq) 处理程序注册的 SA_SAMPLE_RANDOM,中断之间的时间是噪声源,add_keyboard_randomness(scancode) 和 add_mouse_randomness(mouse_data) ===> 所有这些函数都调用 add_timer_randomness()

输出熵:核空间:[get_random_bytes(buf,number)](参考LXR => linux/drivers/char/random.c)用户空间:/dev/random /dev/urandom

參閱LXR => linux/drivers/char/random.c
