ubuntu 12.04 文件权限或所有者不安全

ubuntu 12.04 文件权限或所有者不安全

让我稍微解释一下我正在尝试做的事情,我试图通过非 root 用户管理网络管理器文件,但我不断收到以下错误消息:

keyfile: updating /etc/NetworkManagere/system-connections/zzssid
keyfile: error: File Permissions (100660) or owner (1000) were insecure

然后机器将无法连接到 wifi,但如果 root 用户创建该文件并将其放在系统连接文件夹中,则 wifi 就会立即工作。



man NetworkManager.conf

        plugin  is  the  generic  plugin  that  supports all 
the connection types and capabilities that NetworkManager has. 
It writes files out in a .ini-style format in 
/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections. For security, it will 
ignore  files that  are  readable or writeable by any user or 
group other than root since private keys and passphrases may be stored
in plaintext inside the file.

在您的例子中,文件的所有者/etc/NetworkManagere/system-connections/zzssid是具有 UID 的用户1000,并且权限设置为660,因此不出所料它不起作用。您需要将所有者和组设置为rootroot具有读写权限。以下是一个例子:

$ ls -l /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/

-rw------- 1 root root 324 Feb 18 20:36 Test-WiFi
-rw------- 1 root root 315 Apr 11 01:14 FooBar-WiFi
