是否有快捷方式可以循环切换 irssi 窗口?我无法更改窗口,因为alt + [number]
它已绑定到更改终端选项卡,我喜欢它。如何更改 irssi 的绑定,以便 HOME 循环到上一个窗口,END 循环到下一个窗口?
/BIND home previous_window
/BIND end next_window
/BIND <key ref> <action>
17:23 command Run any command
17:23 key Specify name for key binding
17:23 multi Run multiple commands
17:23 nothing Do nothing
17:23 backward_character Move the cursor a character backward
17:23 forward_character Move the cursor a character forward
17:23 backward_word Move the cursor a word backward
17:23 forward_word Move the cursor a word forward
17:23 backward_to_space Move the cursor backward to a space
17:23 forward_to_space Move the cursor forward to a space
17:23 beginning_of_line Move the cursor to the beginning of the line
17:23 end_of_line Move the cursor to the end of the line
17:23 backward_history Go back one line in the history
17:23 forward_history Go forward one line in the history
17:23 backspace Delete the previous character
17:23 delete_character Delete the current character
17:23 delete_next_word Delete the word after the cursor
17:23 delete_previous_word Delete the word before the cursor
17:23 delete_to_previous_space Delete up to the previous space
17:23 delete_to_next_space Delete up to the next space
17:23 erase_line Erase the whole input line
17:23 erase_to_beg_of_line Erase everything before the cursor
17:23 erase_to_end_of_line Erase everything after the cursor
17:23 yank_from_cutbuffer "Undelete", paste the last deleted text
17:23 transpose_characters Swap current and previous character
17:23 transpose_words Swap current and previous word
17:23 capitalize_word Capitalize the current word
17:23 downcase_word Downcase the current word
17:23 upcase_word Upcase the current word
17:23 send_line Execute the input line
17:23 word_completion_backward
17:23 word_completion Complete the current word
17:23 erase_completion Remove the completion added by word_completion
17:23 check_replaces Check word replaces
17:23 previous_window Go to the previous window
17:23 next_window Go to the next window
17:23 upper_window Go to the split window above
17:23 lower_window Go to the split window below
17:23 left_window Go to the previous window in the current split window
17:23 right_window Go to the next window in the current split window
17:23 active_window Go to next window with the highest activity
17:23 next_window_item Go to the next channel/query. In empty windows change to the next server
17:23 previous_window_item Go to the previous channel/query. In empty windows change to the previous server
17:23 refresh_screen Redraw screen
17:23 scroll_backward Scroll to previous page
17:23 scroll_forward Scroll to next page
17:23 scroll_start Scroll to the beginning of the window
17:23 scroll_end Scroll to the end of the window
17:23 escape_char Insert the next character exactly as-is to input line
17:23 insert_text Append text to line
17:23 change_window Change window
17:23 stop_irc Send SIGSTOP to client
键引用要么是转义字符(例如)^X ^Y ^Z
,要么由 irssi 自动定义:
17:28 return - The return/enter key
17:28 space, backspace - Space / backspace
17:28 up, down, left, right - Arrow keys
17:28 cleft, cright - Ctrl-left/right
17:28 home, end, prior, next - prior = Page Up, next = Page Down
17:28 insert, delete