我的笔记本电脑(Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4810MQ CPU @ 2.80GHz)上的 CPU 频率调节功能无法正常工作。在首次安装 ubuntu 16.04 后,我没有对电源管理或 CPU 频率调节功能进行任何更改。通常我习惯使用 ondemand 调节器。然而,似乎在较新的内核中,该调节器已被某些 pstate 功能和 powersave 调节器所取代。
即使没有负载,CPU 频率也会在 2.x 范围内徘徊,从而导致风扇噪音和设备发热:
$ cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep -i mh
cpu MHz : 3435.468
cpu MHz : 2245.468
cpu MHz : 2800.218
cpu MHz : 2338.765
cpu MHz : 2800.546
cpu MHz : 2801.203
cpu MHz : 2800.875
cpu MHz : 2000.140
$ uptime
14:57:49 up 5:15, 1 user, load average: 0,01, 0,08, 0,16
$ cpufreq-info
cpufrequtils 008: cpufreq-info (C) Dominik Brodowski 2004-2009
Report errors and bugs to [email protected], please.
analyzing CPU 0:
driver: intel_pstate
CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 0
CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 0
maximum transition latency: 0.97 ms.
hardware limits: 800 MHz - 3.80 GHz
available cpufreq governors: performance, powersave
current policy: frequency should be within 800 MHz and 3.80 GHz.
The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use
within this range.
current CPU frequency is 2.80 GHz.
analyzing CPU 1:
driver: intel_pstate
CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 1
CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 1
maximum transition latency: 0.97 ms.
hardware limits: 800 MHz - 3.80 GHz
available cpufreq governors: performance, powersave
current policy: frequency should be within 800 MHz and 3.80 GHz.
The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use
within this range.
current CPU frequency is 2.80 GHz.
analyzing CPU 2:
driver: intel_pstate
CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 2
CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 2
maximum transition latency: 0.97 ms.
hardware limits: 800 MHz - 3.80 GHz
available cpufreq governors: performance, powersave
current policy: frequency should be within 800 MHz and 3.80 GHz.
The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use
within this range.
current CPU frequency is 2.79 GHz.
analyzing CPU 3:
driver: intel_pstate
CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 3
CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 3
maximum transition latency: 0.97 ms.
hardware limits: 800 MHz - 3.80 GHz
available cpufreq governors: performance, powersave
current policy: frequency should be within 800 MHz and 3.80 GHz.
The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use
within this range.
current CPU frequency is 2.80 GHz.
analyzing CPU 4:
driver: intel_pstate
CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 4
CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 4
maximum transition latency: 0.97 ms.
hardware limits: 800 MHz - 3.80 GHz
available cpufreq governors: performance, powersave
current policy: frequency should be within 800 MHz and 3.80 GHz.
The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use
within this range.
current CPU frequency is 2.80 GHz.
analyzing CPU 5:
driver: intel_pstate
CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 5
CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 5
maximum transition latency: 0.97 ms.
hardware limits: 800 MHz - 3.80 GHz
available cpufreq governors: performance, powersave
current policy: frequency should be within 800 MHz and 3.80 GHz.
The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use
within this range.
current CPU frequency is 2.78 GHz.
analyzing CPU 6:
driver: intel_pstate
CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 6
CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 6
maximum transition latency: 0.97 ms.
hardware limits: 800 MHz - 3.80 GHz
available cpufreq governors: performance, powersave
current policy: frequency should be within 800 MHz and 3.80 GHz.
The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use
within this range.
current CPU frequency is 2.90 GHz.
analyzing CPU 7:
driver: intel_pstate
CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 7
CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 7
maximum transition latency: 0.97 ms.
hardware limits: 800 MHz - 3.80 GHz
available cpufreq governors: performance, powersave
current policy: frequency should be within 800 MHz and 3.80 GHz.
The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use
within this range.
current CPU frequency is 2.79 GHz.
奇怪的是,我还观察到了相反的行为:机器处于高负载状态,但频率一直在降低,直到大约 20-30 秒后,所有核心都达到 ~ 800MHz。我使用 cpufreq-info 进行了检查,配置似乎很好(省电调节器,最小/最大频率处于适当水平)。遗憾的是,我无法重现错误...
是的,在某些情况下,当前版本的 intel_pstate 驱动程序可以在相当轻的负载下提高 CPU 频率。但是,通常情况下,这不会导致“风扇噪音大和设备发热”,因为相关 CPU 的工作速度更快,因此会花更多时间处于深度睡眠状态,从而抵消更高的有效功率。我只能将大约 1/2 瓦的额外封装功率归因于此问题。
至于问题的第二部分,关于在高负载下降低 CPU 频率。我只能假设这涉及到某种热节流。
定义“无负载”或“空闲”非常重要。为什么?因为在基于 GUI 的系统上,“空闲”实际上有大量工作要做。在非基于 GUI 服务器的系统上,“空闲”通常实际上意味着几乎没有工作要做。
在基于 GUI 的系统上,此问题的表现取决于:内核的 Hz 速率(100、250、300 或 1000 Hz);视频驱动程序的帧速率;正在进行的后台工作量;调度程序在 CPU 之间轮换的方式;我现在忘记的一些其他事情。
虽然已经添加了临时修复,但它仅涵盖 1% 或更低的实际负载,但负载超过 1% 时也会出现这种情况。另外,我不知道该修复是否已包含在当前的 16.04 内核中,或者是否已反向移植到当前的 16.04 内核中。
在此期间,如果需要,您可以返回 acpi-cpufreq 驱动程序。请参阅这里或者这里如何。