

我不知道该使用Ubuntumplayer还是mplayer2Ubuntu 的软件包。两者都有我需要的功能,但缺少其他我需要的功能。


Requested audio codec family [mpg123] (afm=mpg123) not available.
Enable it at compilation.
Opening audio decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg/libavcodec audio decoders
Unknown/missing audio format -> no sound
ADecoder init failed :(
Opening audio decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg/libavcodec audio decoders
Unknown/missing audio format -> no sound
ADecoder init failed :(
Requested audio codec family [mad] (afm=libmad) not available.
Enable it at compilation.
Opening audio decoder: [hwmpa] MPEG audio pass-through (fake decoder)
Cannot sync MPA frame: 0
ADecoder init failed :(
ADecoder init failed :(
Opening audio decoder: [spdif] libavformat/spdifenc audio pass-through decoder.
AUDIO: 48000 Hz, 2 ch, mpeg2, 768.0 kbit/50.00% (ratio: 96000->192000)
Selected audio codec: [spdifmpa] afm: spdif (libavformat/spdifenc MPEG AUDIO BC pass-through decoder)
AO: [pulse] 48000Hz 2ch s16le (2 bytes per sample)
[format] Sample format big-endian MPEG-2 not yet supported 
[libaf] Reinitialization did not work, audio filter 'format' returned error code -2
[libaf] Unable to setup filter system can not meet sound-card demands, please send a bug report. 
Couldn't find matching filter/ao format!
Audio: no sound


Unknown option on the command line: --udp-master
MPlayer2 2.0-701-gd4c5b7f-2ubuntu2 (C) 2000-2012 MPlayer Team


  1. 如何启用 mpg123 mplayer
  2. 或者,如何启用 udp 进行同步网络播放mplayer2

我尝试从其网站下载了 mplayer 1.3,并进行了编译。但是错误越来越多,视频甚至无法显示,

  1. configure在 ubuntu 的包上使用的选项是什么mplayer,我正在考虑使用相同的选项,mpg123在编译时添加。

