从 14.04 升级后,Ubuntu 16.04 下的 Aapche2 服务器停止工作

从 14.04 升级后,Ubuntu 16.04 下的 Aapche2 服务器停止工作

我最近将基于 Ubuntu server 14.04 的服务器升级到 16.04 x64 升级后,我无法使用 https 或 http 在 /var/log/apache2 下访问我的 Web 服务器,我收到以下错误,并且我的 deafault-ssl.conf 获得了如下自签名证书,有什么想法可以修复它吗?请指教谢谢

   SSL Engine Switch:
    #   Enable/Disable SSL for this virtual host.
    SSLEngine on

    #   A self-signed (snakeoil) certificate can be created by installing
    #   the ssl-cert package. See
    #   /usr/share/doc/apache2/README.Debian.gz for more info.
    #   If both key and certificate are stored in the same file, only the
    #   SSLCertificateFile directive is needed.
    SSLCertificateFile  /etc/apache2/ssl/apache-selfsigned.crt
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/apache-selfsigned.key

Apache 日志

    [Thu Oct 06 16:12:06.518074 2016] [ssl:warn] [pid 10550] AH01906: localhost:443:0 server certificate is a CA certificate (BasicConstraints: CA == TRUE !?)
[Thu Oct 06 16:12:06.518114 2016] [ssl:warn] [pid 10550] AH01909: localhost:443:0 server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name


您能分享一下生成 CSR 时运行的命令吗?您在“通用名称”中输入了什么?

参考 :关联
