Grub 多启动 MAAS 功能请求

Grub 多启动 MAAS 功能请求


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Grub 多启动 MAAS 功能请求

我已经提交了功能请求(功能请求允许 grub 多启动 MAAS 映像)参考此问答。


我花了几个小时用谷歌研究这个问题,似乎一个好的旧 grub 菜单是实现这一点的方法。不幸的是,我找不到关于如何做到这一点的官方 Ubuntu MAAS(Metal as a Service)文档。事实上,我能找到的关于 grub 与 MAAS 的唯一信息是错误报告,其中 grub 不应该出现。

例如从( 这:

John George (jog) wrote on 2016-05-20:  #18
Ran into this issue multiple times while using Landscape Autopilot to 
deploy Openstack, which was never able to complete due to at least one 
machine failing to deploy, after getting stuck at the grub menu. Juju 
1.25.5 and MAAS 1.9.2 were being used.

Once stopped at the grub menu I was able to bring the system up for 
inspection by doing the following:

    - Reboot the server and drop into the boot menue (F11 on HP)
    - Select the UEFI module option
    - Use the file explorer to drill down to and run shimx64.efi
    - grub> cat /boot/grub/menu.lst (to see configured kernel and initrd paths)
    - grub> linux /boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-86-generic root=LABEL=root ro console=ttyS1,38400 1
    - grub> initrd /boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-86-generic
    - grub> boot
    - Boot would stop at run level 1 and drop to a root shell prompt
    - /etc/init.d/networking start
    - service ssh start
    - ifconfig (to find configured IP)
    - ssh into the system as the ubuntu user

另外,还有人抱怨 MAAS 如何将 grub 安装到/dev/sda真正的启动驱动器上,这是/dev/sdbMAAS 始终将 GRUB 安装到 /dev/sda,即使这不合适):

因此 grub 是 MAAS 启动过程的一部分,问题是如何使 grub 菜单处于活动状态并为您提供各种图像以供选择,就像我们现在如何选择不同的 Ubuntu 版本和 Windows 版本一样。

我认为如果一封措辞得体的电子邮件被发送到正确的渠道,Ubuntu MAAS 团队可能会提供帮助。此外可以发布在某处。




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