使用密码的 zip 文件问题

使用密码的 zip 文件问题

我有一个.txt文件和一个 bash 脚本,其中 txt 文件将被压缩并移动到其他 sftp 服务器。


zip -P pass foo.zip foo.txt 




-P password
       --password password
              Use  password  to encrypt zipfile entries (if any).  THIS IS INSECURE!  Many multi-user operating systems provide ways for any user to see the current command line of any other user; even
              on stand-alone systems there is always the threat of over-the-shoulder peeking.  Storing the plaintext password as part of a command line in an automated script is even  worse.   Whenever
              possible,  use the non-echoing, interactive prompt to enter passwords.  (And where security is truly important, use strong encryption such as Pretty Good Privacy instead of the relatively
              weak standard encryption provided by zipfile utilities.)



              Encrypt the contents of the zip archive using a password which is entered on the terminal in response to a prompt (this will not be echoed; if standard error is not a tty, zip  will  exit
              with an error).  The password prompt is repeated to save the user from typing errors.


zip --encrypt foo.zip foo.txt它要求在终端上输入密码,

Enter password: 
Verify password: 
updating: foo.txt (stored 0%)

