ceph quincy 17.2.6. stderr:可能需要 DB 大小规范,请设置 Ceph bluestore-block-db-size 配置参数

ceph quincy 17.2.6. stderr:可能需要 DB 大小规范,请设置 Ceph bluestore-block-db-size 配置参数

我正在尝试添加 DB 设备。物理设备是 SSD,我在其中创建了与 OSD 一样多的逻辑卷。所有 LV 都在一个卷组中。

事实证明,当我运行“ceph-volume lvm new-db”时,我收到一个错误:“stderr:可能需要 DB 大小规范,请设置 Ceph bluestore-block-db-size 配置参数”。


我尝试使用“ceph config set osd.0 bluestore_block_db_size 2700000000000”修复 stderr(我将其设置为 270 GB,以使其比这个 LV 小一点,LV 有 280 GB)

下面是完整的输出,我还显示 bluestore_block_db_size 已正确设置。

--> Making new volume at /dev/cephdb03/cephdb03osd0 for OSD: 0 (/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0)
 stdout: inferring bluefs devices from bluestore path
 stderr: Might need DB size specification, please set Ceph bluestore-block-db-size config parameter
--> failed to attach new volume, error code:1
--> Undoing lv tag set
Failed to attach new volume: cephdb03/cephdb03osd0
root@nerffs03:/# ceph config show osd.0 | grep db
bluestore_block_db_size                          270000000000                                                                                                                                                                                                                 mon                         
leveldb_log                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   default                     
root@nerffs03:/# ceph config get osd.0 bluestore_block_db_size 
root@nerffs03:/# ceph --version
ceph version 17.2.6 (d7ff0d10654d2280e08f1ab989c7cdf3064446a5) quincy (stable)```

I am ware that this issue has been reported in : https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/55260 , but it is not clear to me if in quincy 17.2.6. that is fixed.

any help would be much appreciated!! 
