Tomboy 与 Ubuntu One 同步失败

Tomboy 与 Ubuntu One 同步失败

我正在运行 Ubuntu 10.10 桌面版 (amd64)。当我尝试将笔记与 Ubuntu One 同步时,出现一个对话框,提示 tomboy“同步失败”,但未列出任何详细信息。按照另一条建议,我退出 tomboy,然后从控制台运行“tomboy --debug”。输出如下。错误表明笔记 URL 返回了 404,但我可以直接在 Firefox 中加载 URL(登录 Ubuntu One 后)并收到一个看似正常的 json 响应。

我按照系统 > 偏好设置 > Ubuntu One 登录了 Ubuntu One。


    [DEBUG 10:43:26.763] SyncThread using SyncServiceAddin: Tomboy Web
[DEBUG 10:43:26.764] Building web request for URL:
[DEBUG 10:43:27.577] Building web request for URL:
[ERROR 10:43:27.806] Caught exception. Message: The remote server returned an error: (404) NOT FOUND.
[ERROR 10:43:27.806] Stack trace for previous exception:   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.CheckFinalStatus (System.Net.WebAsyncResult result) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.SetResponseData (System.Net.WebConnectionData data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
[ERROR 10:43:27.807] Rest of stack trace for above exception:    at System.Environment.get_StackTrace()
   at Tomboy.WebSync.Api.OAuth.MakeWebRequest(RequestMethod method, System.String url, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 parameters, System.String postData)
   at Tomboy.WebSync.Api.OAuth.WebRequest(RequestMethod method, System.String url, System.String postData)
   at Tomboy.WebSync.Api.OAuth.Get(System.String uri, IDictionary`2 queryParameters)
   at Tomboy.WebSync.Api.UserInfo.GetUser(System.String userUri, IWebConnection connection)
   at Tomboy.WebSync.WebSyncServer.BeginSyncTransaction()
   at Tomboy.Sync.SyncManager.SynchronizationThread()
[ERROR 10:43:27.807] Synchronization failed with the following exception: The remote server returned an error: (404) NOT FOUND.
  at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.CheckFinalStatus (System.Net.WebAsyncResult result) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.SetResponseData (System.Net.WebConnectionData data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

(Tomboy:14075): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_source_remove: assertion `tag > 0' failed


