为什么 Radeon Mobility 7500 会出现视频撕裂的情况?

为什么 Radeon Mobility 7500 会出现视频撕裂的情况?

我有一台 IBM Thinkpad T42,配有 Radeon Mobility 7500 显卡芯片组。在我尝试过的所有 Ubuntu 版本(Natty、Xubuntu 11.10)上,播放任何视频(例如,在 vlc 中播放 DVD)都会导致画面撕裂,无论是否全屏。此外,在合成桌面(例如,Metacity 或 Xfwm 合成)下播放视频会导致帧速率非常低。


我找到了一种大幅提高性能的方法:我为 Radeon 驱动程序进行了自定义设置。这是我的/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-radeon.conf

Section "Device"
        Identifier "Radeon"
        Driver "radeon"
    Option  "SWcursor"              "off" #software cursor might be necessary on some rare occasions, hence set off by default
    Option  "EnablePageFlip"        "on"  #supported on all R/RV/RS4xx and older hardware and set off by default
    Option  "AccelMethod"           "EXA" #valid options are XAA and EXA. EXA is the newest acceleration method and its the default.
    Option  "RenderAccel"           "on"  #enabled by default on all radeon hardware
    Option  "ColorTiling"           "off"  #enabled by default on RV300 and later radeon cards.
    Option  "EXAVSync"              "off"  #default is off, otherwise on
    Option  "EXAPixmaps"            "on"  #when on icreases 2D performance, but may also cause artifacts on some old cards
    Option  "AccelDFS"              "on"  #default is off, read the radeon manpage for more information

造成差异的关键选项是 EXAPixmaps,它大大提高了性能。


您可以尝试 xorg-edgers ppa..那里有一个更新版本的 ati 开源驱动程序,但我不知道它是否可以解决您的问题或增加更多问题:

