Windows 7 上的 alt+tab 远程连接到 Windows XP

Windows 7 上的 alt+tab 远程连接到 Windows XP

我正在从 Windows 7 客户端使用 Windows 自带的常规远程客户端远程访问 Windows XP。

在选项中,它被设置为在远程机器上以全屏模式使用 alt+tab(我处于该模式),但它一直使用客户端 alt+tab。

同样的事情也发生在 launchy(alt+space)上,但我只是退出本地 launchy,然后它开始调用远程机器上的 launchy。

我该怎么做才能使 alt+tab 在远程机器上起作用?



您也可以从开始-->执行--> osk.exe 打开它




Client         Equivalent     Description
=============  =============  ===========
ALT+TAB        ALT+PAGE UP    Switches between programs from left to right.
ALT+SHIFT+TAB  ALT+PAGE DOWN  Switches between programs from right to left.
ALT+ESC        ALT+INSERT     Cycles through the programs in the order they were started.
CTRL+ESC                      Switches the client between a window and full screen.
CTRL+ESC       ALT+HOME       Displays the Start menu.
ALT+DELETE                    Displays the Windows menu.
PRINT SCREEN   CTRL+ALT+-     Places a snapshot of the active window in the Remote Desktop session on the clipboard.
CTRL+ALT+DEL   CTRL+ALT+END   Displays the Task Manager or Windows Security dialog box. 
ALT+PRNTSCRN   CTRL+ALT+PLUS  Places a snapshot of the entire Remote Desktop session window on the clipboard. 
