在 ubuntu 上安装文件

在 ubuntu 上安装文件

我刚刚尝试在我的 Ubuntu 14.04 机器上安装这个文件。

当我单击它时,ubuntu 会打开一个对话框来进行安装pypar2,然后打开文件,如下pypar2所示:


但之后我无法在桌面上执行 msmc。


这些是预编译的文件。查看 README,无需再安装其他文件。运行它们。首先,使文件可执行:

$ chmod +x msmc_linux_64bit 


$ ./msmc_linux_64bit 
Usage: msmc [options] <datafiles>
    -i, --maxIterations=<size_t> : number of EM-iterations [default=20]
    -o, --outFilePrefix=<string> : file prefix to use for all output files
    -r, --rhoOverMu=<double>: ratio of recombination rate over mutation rate. Default=0.25.
    -t, --nrThreads=<size_t> : nr of threads to use (defaults to nr of CPUs)
    -p, --timeSegmentPattern=<string> : pattern of fixed time segments [default=10*1+15*2]
    -P, --subpopLabels=<string> comma-separated subpopulation labels (assume one single population by default, with 
          number of haplotypes inferred from first input file). For cross-population analysis with 4 haplotypes, 2 
          coming from each subpopulation, set this to 0,0,1,1
    -R, --fixedRecombination : keep recombination rate fixed [recommended, but not set by default]
    -I, --indices: indices (comma-separated) of alleles in the data file to run over
    -s, --skipAmbiguous: skip sites with ambiguous phasing. Recommended for gene flow analysis
    -h, --help: show this message
