我安装了没有 opengl 库的 nvidia 驱动程序,如何知道它们是否正常工作?

我安装了没有 opengl 库的 nvidia 驱动程序,如何知道它们是否正常工作?

我刚刚安装了不带 opengl 库的 nvidia 驱动程序并重新启动,但 nvidia-detector 没有返回任何内容。如何知道驱动程序是否正常工作?


nvidia-settings 在控制台上返回以下内容:

ERROR: Error querying enabled displays on GPU 0 (Missing Extension).

ERROR: Error querying connected displays on GPU 0 (Missing Extension).

ERROR: nvidia-settings could not find the registry key file. This file should
   have been installed along with this driver at
   /usr/share/nvidia/nvidia-application-profiles-key-documentation. The
   application profiles will continue to work, but values cannot be
   prepopulated or validated, and will not be listed in the help text.
   Please see the README for possible values and descriptions.

Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.


You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.
Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root),
and restart the X server.

但是我不想使用 gpu 作为 VGA 控制器,因为系统已经有集成控制器。

我只想使用 gpu 进行 cuda 提供的加速计算
