无法通过 VPN 访问打印机

无法通过 VPN 访问打印机

我成功设置了锡克我的台式机、两台笔记本电脑和一个始终可通过互联网看到的外部 VPS 之间的 VPN。

它们都是 Ubuntu 18.04(除了其中一台笔记本电脑是全新安装的外,其他都是从早期版本升级的)。

我可以从我的家庭 LAN 或互联网(使用我的智能手机作为 4G 网关)查看(以及 ssh、ping 等...)所有计算机的 VPN IP。

我的台式电脑上还配置了两台本地打印机,当连接到我们的 LAN 时,我可以通过两台笔记本电脑访问和使用它们。

但当唯一的连接是通过 VPN 时,情况就不是这样了。

我甚至尝试通过 Ubuntu 打印机配置面板手动添加远程打印机,如果我指定其 (VPN) IP 地址,我也可以看到它们。但当我尝试添加时,我必须手动选择驱动程序,之后我收到一条错误消息,告诉我无法添加打印机。

每次我尝试通过桌面的 VPN IP 添加打印机时都会发生这种情况,无论笔记本电脑是通过我们的 LAN 还是通过 G4 连接连接到 VPN。

在两种情况下,nmap即桌面 VPN IP)都会向其 LAN IP 提供与相同命令完全相同的输出(当连接到 LAN 时,打印机可自动通过 LAN 获得)。

以下是桌面的 /etc/cups/cupsd.conf 的摘录:

LogLevel warn                                                                          │ ms
PageLogFormat                                                                          │joanmi@turkey:~$ sudo nmap
MaxLogSize 0                                                                           │
# Allow remote access                                                                  │Starting Nmap 7.60 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2018-12-27 16:58 CET
Port 631                                                                               │Nmap scan report for
Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock                                                         │Host is up (0.010s latency).
# Share local printers on the local network.                                           │Not shown: 989 closed ports
Browsing On                                                                            │PORT     STATE SERVICE
BrowseLocalProtocols dnssd                                                             │22/tcp   open  ssh
DefaultAuthType Basic                                                                  │80/tcp   open  http
WebInterface Yes                                                                       │111/tcp  open  rpcbind
<Location />                                                                           │139/tcp  open  netbios-ssn
  # Allow shared printing...                                                           │443/tcp  open  https
  Order allow,deny                                                                     │445/tcp  open  microsoft-ds
  Allow @LOCAL                                                                         │631/tcp  open  ipp
  Allow 10.0.0.*                                                                       │2049/tcp open  nfs


W [27/Dec/2018:16:56:11 +0100] CreateProfile failed: org.freedesktop.ColorManager.AlreadyExists:profile id \'Brother_HL_1430_series_constructor-Gray..\' already exists
E [27/Dec/2018:16:56:11 +0100] [Client 848] Returning IPP client-error-bad-request for CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer (ipp://localhost:631/printers/Brother_HL_1430_series_constructor) from localhost
W [27/Dec/2018:16:56:11 +0100] CreateProfile failed: org.freedesktop.ColorManager.AlreadyExists:profile id \'DCP9020CDW_constructor-Gray..\' already exists
W [27/Dec/2018:16:56:11 +0100] CreateProfile failed: org.freedesktop.ColorManager.AlreadyExists:profile id \'DCP9020CDW_constructor-RGB..\' already exists
E [27/Dec/2018:16:56:11 +0100] [Client 860] Returning IPP client-error-bad-request for CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer (ipp://localhost:631/printers/DCP9020CDW_constructor) from localhost
W [27/Dec/2018:16:56:11 +0100] CreateProfile failed: org.freedesktop.ColorManager.AlreadyExists:profile id \'Brother_DCP_9020CDW-Gray..\' already exists
W [27/Dec/2018:16:56:11 +0100] CreateProfile failed: org.freedesktop.ColorManager.AlreadyExists:profile id \'Brother_DCP_9020CDW-DeviceN..\' already exists
E [27/Dec/2018:17:12:15 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 7283 (gutenprint52+usb) stopped with status 1!
E [27/Dec/2018:17:14:43 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 7390 (gutenprint52+usb) stopped with status 1!
E [27/Dec/2018:17:29:36 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 7605 (gutenprint52+usb) stopped with status 1!


但是通过 4G 访问时情况仍然一样,所以我不知道发生了什么......

