Flatpak 拥有比 snaps 更新的软件。我尝试通过 flatpak 安装 wps office,但失败了。
router@router:~$ flatpak install flathub com.wps.Office
Note that the directories
are not in the search path set by the XDG_DATA_DIRS environment variable, so
applications installed by Flatpak may not appear on your desktop until the
session is restarted.
Looking for matches…
error: No remote refs found similar to ‘flathub’
看来你还没有关注设置指南适用于 FlatPak。
您需要先添加 flathub “存储库”:
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
然后安装 WPS 或任何其他 FlatPak扁平集线器。