RKhunter 未执行所有检查

RKhunter 未执行所有检查

有人能告诉我如何配置/强制 rkhunter 检查系统上的所有内容吗?即使我运行,检查也会被跳过rkhunter --checkall

Performing malware checks
    Checking running processes for suspicious files          [ None found ]
    Checking for hidden processes                            [ Skipped ]

Applications checks...
    All checks skipped


无论出于什么原因,当我使用 --checkall 修饰符时,我的应用程序扫描被忽略了,因为在我的 /etc/rkhunter.conf 文件中,“apps”选项默认包含这些DISABLE_TESTS选项。删除它可以扫描我的应用程序。

# These two options determine which tests are to be performed. The ENABLE_TESTS
# option can use the word 'ALL' to refer to all of the available tests. The
# DISABLE_TESTS option can use the word 'NONE' to mean that no tests are
# disabled. The list of disabled tests is applied to the list of enabled tests.
# Both options are space-separated lists of test names, and both options may
# be specified more than once. The currently available test names can be seen
# by using the command 'rkhunter --list tests'.
# The supplied configuration file has some tests already disabled, and these
# are tests that will be used only occasionally, can be considered 'advanced'
# or that are prone to produce more than the average number of false-positives.
# Please read the README file for more details about enabling and disabling
# tests, the test names, and how rkhunter behaves when these options are used.
# The default values are to enable all tests and to disable none. However, if
# either of the options below are specified, then they will override the
# program defaults.
#DISABLE_TESTS=suspscan hidden_ports hidden_procs deleted_files packet_cap_apps apps
DISABLE_TESTS=suspscan hidden_ports deleted_files packet_cap_apps ipc_shared_mem

对于任何 rkhunter “新手”

https://sourceforge.net/ <-- 具有 rkhunter 的主要支持/信息

1.)(#)在 /etc/rkhunter.conf 中注释掉 DISABLE_TESTS
2.)使用 virtualbox 设置测试服务器(重复等效环境)并运行校验和以验证误报
3.)在 /etc/rkhunter.conf 中使用各种形式的“白名单”来清除所有警告
4.)安装一个名为“unhide”的 linux 应用程序,以便您可以扫描隐藏端口和隐藏目录
