我使用的是 Ubuntu 18.04,几天前 Telegram 更新到了 2.7.4。
今天当我尝试打开 Jupyter Notebook 时出现以下错误:
(telegram-desktop:27524): lib_base-WARNING **: 17:06:20.656: Unfortunately, GTK integration conflicts with qgtk2 platformtheme and style. Therefore, QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME and QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE will be unset.
lib_base-Message: 17:06:20.656: This can be ignored by setting DESKTOP_APP_I_KNOW_ABOUT_GTK_INCOMPATIBILITY environment variable to any value, however, if qgtk2 theme or style is used, this will lead to a crash.
lib_base-Message: 17:06:20.656: GTK integration can be disabled by setting DESKTOP_APP_DISABLE_GTK_INTEGRATION to any value. Keep in mind that this will lead to some features being unavailable.
如果我在 Ubuntu 软件中删除 Telegram,jupyter 笔记本可以再次使用。如果我重新安装它,它就不再起作用了
我想将 Telegram 恢复到旧版本或修复此问题,如果有人知道如何
sudo snap refresh telegram-desktop
编辑:问题似乎出在我的 Google Chrome 版本过旧。更新 Chrome 后一切恢复正常