在 exGENT 上安装日语输入法

在 exGENT 上安装日语输入法

我在 VirtualBox 中安装了 exGENT Xfce。我想安装 fcitx、fcitx-configtool、fcitx-anthy。将发出如下错误消息。

!!! /etc/portage/make.profile is not a symlink and will probably prevent most message.
It should point into a profile within /usr/portage/profiles/
(It can safely ignore this message when syncing. It's harmless.)

!!! You current profile is invald. If you have just changed your profile.
!!! configuration, you shuld revent back to the previous configration.
!!! All owed action are limited to --help, --info, --seach, --sync, and --version.

