我尝试使用搜索某些包apt-cache search -n iap cracker
Ojek:~ root# apt-cache search -n iap cracker
com.ihacksrepo.iapcracker - Free inapp purchases
com.repocydia.iapcrackerlist - A List for The apps/Games that work with iAp Cracker
com.xsellize.iapcrackerlist - A List for The apps/Games that work with iAp Cracker
com.sinfuliphone.iapcracker - Allows you to get FREE In-App Purchases!
在搜索输出中未出现的 repo 列表之一:
Package: com.duowan.urus.iap
Version: 0.8-1
Architecture: iphoneos-arm
Installed-Size: 132
Maintainer: duowan
Depends: mobilesubstrate
Section: [å¤^Úç^Ω - 软件]
Icon: file:///Applications/Cydia.app/Sections/Utilities.png
Priority: standard
Homepage: http://iphone.duowan.com/
Depiction: http://iphone.duowan.com/1109/179506764380.html
Description: è®©ä½ ç^Ú^Ä App å^Å^Íè´¹ä¸^Ëè½½å^Æ^Åç½®ä»^Øè´¹å^Æ^Å容å^Ï^ÊDLCå^Æ^$
Sponsor: Duowan.com <http://iphone.duowan.com/m/>
Name: iAP Cracker
Filename: debs/com.duowan.urus.iap_0.8-1_iphoneos-arm.deb
Size: 56752
MD5sum: 46e4837d42a287e1411a468f22e0489a