如何识别现有的 NFS 或 CIFS 挂载是硬挂载还是软挂载?

如何识别现有的 NFS 或 CIFS 挂载是硬挂载还是软挂载?

我在操作系统上安装了两个 NFS 共享,还有一个 CIFS 共享。fstab 文件中的上述挂载均未在各自​​的挂载选项中明确提及软挂载或硬挂载。



检查相应的手册页。man mount.nfs指着man 5 nfs详细信息如下:

soft / hard   Determines the recovery behavior of the NFS client after
              an  NFS  request  times  out.   If  neither  option   is
              specified  (or  if  the  hard  option is specified), NFS
              requests are retried indefinitely.  If the  soft  option
              is  specified,  then the NFS client fails an NFS request
              after retrans retransmissions have  been  sent,  causing
              the  NFS  client  to  return  an  error  to  the calling

因此,除非另有规定,否则 NFS 的默认设置是困难的。

man mount.cifs说:

   (default) The program accessing a file on the cifs mounted file
   system will not hang when the server crashes and will return errors
   to the user application.

CIFS 的默认设置是软的。
