如何在 11.10 服务器上获取 KLIPS 或 NETKEY?

如何在 11.10 服务器上获取 KLIPS 或 NETKEY?

我正在尝试在我的 Ubuntu11.10 服务器上运行 OpenSWAN。到目前为止,我所做的就是从包管理器安装 openswan并尝试设置 conf 文件。但是,IPSec 支持似乎已损坏,因此 OpenSWAN 无法执行其操作。

尝试启动 IPSec

$ sudo ipsec setup --start
ipsec_setup: Starting Openswan IPsec 2.6.28...
ipsec_setup: No KLIPS support found while requested, desperately falling back to netkey
ipsec_setup: Even NETKEY support is not there, aborting

验证 IPSec

$ sudo ipsec verify
Checking your system to see if IPsec got installed and started correctly:
Version check and ipsec on-path                                 [OK]
Linux Openswan U2.6.28/K(no kernel code presently loaded)
Checking for IPsec support in kernel                            [FAILED]
Checking that pluto is running                                  [FAILED]
  whack: Pluto is not running (no "/var/run/pluto/pluto.ctl")
Checking for 'ip' command                                       [OK]
Checking for 'iptables' command                                 [OK]
Opportunistic Encryption Support                                [DISABLED]

IPSec 版本

$ sudo ipsec version
Linux Openswan U2.6.28/K(no kernel code presently loaded)
See `ipsec --copyright' for copyright information.

Linux 构建:

$ uname -a  
Linux metabox 2.6.18-028stab092.1 #1 SMP Wed Jul 20 19:47:12 MSD 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

我该如何解决 IPSec 的这个问题?这是一个托管 VPS,如果我能找到其他替代方案,我想避免重建内核。


如果没有存档 ISO 和存档包,我认为这是无法解决的。Natty repos 的 Contents-amd64.gz 摘录告诉我,grep 'linux-image-2.6.1' Contents-amd64从 11.10 开始,该查询返回一个空集。我能追溯到的最早版本是 2.6.38-8,如下所示grep 'linux-image-2.6.3' Contents-amd64 | sort -r




sudo modprobe af_key


