Unity 在 14.04.01 LTS 中无法运行,桌面空白

Unity 在 14.04.01 LTS 中无法运行,桌面空白

我安装了 Ubuntu 14.04.01 LTS 作为双启动安装(另一个操作系统是带有 SP 3 的 Win XP),但是当我登录时,桌面上没有任何内容,只有背景。

我的电脑:Intel D865PERL、奔腾 4 CPU(3 Ghz)、3 Gb RAM 和 NVIDIA Quadro FX 500/600 显卡。我的硬盘有两个分区:一个用于 XP,一个用于 Ubuntu 及其分区。

起初只是黑屏,但我通过 tty 安装 Nvidia 驱动程序(版本 173.14.36)解决了这个问题。令我失望的是,这并没有多大帮助,因为现在登录后只能看到光标和背景。没有启动器,没有顶部菜单栏,什么都没有。当我单击鼠标右键时,我得到了菜单,我可以创建一个可见的新文件夹。我可以通过按 Ctrl-Alt-F1 访问 tty

我已经重新安装了 Ubuntu 一次,但没有帮助。我也更新了它。

我该怎么办?我应该安装旧版本的 Ubuntu 吗?我不知道问题的原因是什么。由于这似乎不是一个常见问题,可能是由我的显卡或其他硬件部分引起的?

这是我第一次使用 Ubuntu 或任何 Linux 操作系统。


sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop 
sudo apt-get install unity 


sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
sudo service lightdm stop
sudo service lightdm start


sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager
export DISPLAY=:0

之后我按下 Ctrl-Alt-F7 并启用“Ubuntu Unity 插件”,但这没有帮助


sudo apt-get install –-reinstall ubuntu-desktop
sudo apt-get install unity


export DISPLAY=:0.0
sudo dconf reset -f /org/compiz/
setsid unity

在“setsid unity”之后,有大量文本,主要是关于 compiz 核心加载和启动插件。加载和启动 unirtyshell 插件后,最后几行是:

 WARN [date&time] unity.screen UScreen.cpp:114 UScreen::GetMonitorName: Failed to get monitor name for monitor0
 WARN [date&time] unity.glib.dbus.server GlibDBusServer.cpp:579 Can't register object 'org.gnome.Shell' yet as we don't have connection, waiting for it...
 ERROR [date&time] unity.debug.interface DebugDBusInterface.cpp:216 Unable to loadf entry point in libxpathselect: libxpathselect.so.1.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
 ERROR [date&time] unityo (appinfo2) <unknown>:0 g_file_monitor_set_rate_limit: assertion 'G_IS_FILE_MONITOR (monitor) ' failed
 ERROR [date&time] unity.launcher.icon.trash TrashLauncherIcon.cpp:66 Could not create file monitor for trash uri: Operation not supported
 WARN [date&time] unity.glib.dbus.server GlibDBusServer.cpp:579 Can't register object 'com.can onical.Unity.Launcher' yet as we don't have connection, waiting for it...
 WARN [date&time] unity.glib.dbus.server GlibDBusServer.cpp:579 Can't register object 'com.canonical.Unity.Dash' yet as we don't have connection, waiting for it...
 WARN [date&time] unity.glib.dbus.server GlibDBusServer.cpp:579 Can't register object 'org.gnome.SessionManager.EndSessionDialog' yet as we don't have connection, waiting for it...
 WARN [date&time] unity.glib.dbus.server GlibDBusServer.cpp:579 Can't register object 'com.canonical.Unity.Session yet as we don't have connection, waiting for it...
 WARN [date&time] unity.glib.dbus.server GlibDBusServer.cpp:579 Can't register object 'org.gnome.ScreenSaver' yet as we don't have connection, waiting for it...
 compiz (opengl) - error: FBO is incomplete: GL:FRAMEBUFFER UNSUPPORTED (0x8cdd)"
 Segmentation fault (core dumped)


(process:2259): dconf-WARNING **: failed to commit changes to dconf: Error spawning command line 'dbus launch --autolaunch=2c1ca3459751dc3dd92e131553fb7ce5[part missing]ary_syntax --close-stderr': Child process killed by signal 43 [this was repeatyed 

 WARN [date&time] unity.screen UScreen.cpp:114 UScreen::GetMonitorName: Failed to get monitor name for monitor0

(compiz:2259): dconf-WARNING **: failed to commit changes to dconf: Error spawning command line 'dbus launch --autolaunch=2c1ca3459751dc3dd92e131553fb7ce5[part missing]ary_syntax --close-stderr': Child process killed by signal 43
    WARN [date&time] unity.glib.dbus.server GlibDBusServer.cpp:579 Can't register object 'org.gnome.Shell' yet as we don't have connection, waiting for it...

(compiz:2259): dconf-WARNING **: failed to commit changes to dconf: Error spawning command line 'dbus launch --autolaunch=2c1ca3459751dc3dd92e131553fb7ce5[part missing]ary_syntax --close-stderr': Child process killed by signal 43

(compiz:2259): dconf-WARNING **: failed to commit changes to dconf: Error spawning command line 'dbus launch --autolaunch=2c1ca3459751dc3dd92e131553fb7ce5[part missing]ary_syntax --close-stderr': Child process killed by signal 43
 ERROR [date&time] unity.debug.interface DebugDBusInterface.cpp:216 Unable to loadf entry point in libxpathselect: libxpathselect.so.1.4: cannot ope[part missing]ed object file: No such link or directory
 ERROR [date&time] unityo (appinfo2) <unknown>:0 g_file_monitor_set_rate_limit: assertion 'G_IS_FILE_MONITOR (monitor) ' failed
 ERROR [date&time] unity.launcher.icon.trash TrashLauncherIcon.cpp:66 Could not create file monitor for trash uri: Operation not supported
 WARN [date&time] unity.glib.dbus.server GlibDBusServer.cpp:579 Can't register object 'com.can onical.Unity.Launcher' yet as we don't have connection, waiting for it...
 WARN [date&time] unity.glib.dbus.server GlibDBusServer.cpp:579 Can't register object 'com.canonical.Unity.Dash' yet as we don't have connection, waiting for it...
 WARN [date&time] unity.glib.dbus.server GlibDBusServer.cpp:579 Can't register object 'org.gnome.SessionManager.EndSessionDialog' yet as we don't have connection, waiting for it...
 WARN [date&time] unity.glib.dbus.server GlibDBusServer.cpp:579 Can't register object 'com.canonical.Unity.Session yet as we don't have connection, waiting for it...
 WARN [date&time] unity.glib.dbus.server GlibDBusServer.cpp:579 Can't register object 'org.gnome.ScreenSaver' yet as we don't have connection, waiting for it...
 compiz (opengl) - error: FBO is incomplete: GL:FRAMEBUFFER UNSUPPORTED (0x8cdd)"
 Segmentation fault (core dumped)


export DISPLAY=:0.0
unity --replace [or] unity --reset-icons

但我收到与以下相同的错误/警告消息setsid unity


unity --reset

我明白了ERROR: the reset option is now deprecated

rm -rf ~/.config/compiz-1/compizconfig/*



更新 1: 我尝试了 Andrea 的建议,nomodeset在 GRUB 的命令行中添加了参数。(我遵循了 fossfreedom 给出的说明这里



我安装了 12.04.05 版本。现在我可以在屏幕左侧看到顶部栏和启动器,但 Unity 已冻结。我安装了 nvidia 173 驱动程序,但情况变得更糟。更多详细信息这里。


尝试另一个版本的 ubuntu,也许是 13,因为你使用的版本需要 64 位架构,而我认为 p4 不是 64 位。所以尝试安装另一个版本,它可能会对你有帮助。
