需要帮助理解 ls 格式的含义

需要帮助理解 ls 格式的含义


$ l
l3*  lesson03.cpp  lesson03.o  look.png  readme.txt

于是我查看了别名:其中列出l如下:alias l='ls -F'

于是我查看了手册页,但仍然不明白ls -F

-F, --classify
          append indicator (one of */=>@|) to entries

有人能解释一下一些文件旁边的 as-tricks 的含义吗?“*/=>@|”中说的是什么?我不明白。


info ls

     Append a character to each file name indicating the file type.
     Also, for regular files that are executable, append ‘*’.  The file
     type indicators are ‘/’ for directories, ‘@’ for symbolic links,
     ‘|’ for FIFOs, ‘=’ for sockets, ‘>’ for doors, and nothing for
     regular files.  Do not follow symbolic links listed on the command
     line unless the ‘--dereference-command-line’ (‘-H’),
     ‘--dereference’ (‘-L’), or
     ‘--dereference-command-line-symlink-to-dir’ options are specified.
