函数内部的 stdout 发生了什么?

函数内部的 stdout 发生了什么?
If I run the following command I get the expected output as shown.
jonathan@Aristotle:~/EclipseWorkspaces/AGI/ShellUtilities$ df --output=fstype,source $(pwd)
Type Filesystem
ext4 /dev/sdb1

如果我将相同的命令放在函数中并从命令行调用该函数,则看不到任何输出。stdout 去哪儿了?为什么?

# Copyright © Jonathan Gossage, 2016
# getFileSystemInfo

function getFileSystemInfo {
    # Get an item of information related to the file system that contains a
    # specific file or directory.
    # $1 is the file or directory to be checked
    # $2 is the specific information type to be checked. See df(1) FIELD_LIST
    #    for full details. As in df you can get more than one type of
    #    information.
    # To access the information returned, capture stdout in your script.
    echo "We are in getFileSystemInfo"
    df --output=$2 "$1"
    return $?
jonathan@Aristotle:~/EclipseWorkspaces/AGI/ShellUtilities$ Sourced/getFileSystemInfo $(pwd) fstype,source


您的示例中没有stdout:将 shell 函数定义包装在脚本文件中,然后调用该脚本不会执行该函数。您需要来源脚本,以便该函数在当前 shell 中可用

. Sourced/getFileSystemInfo
getFileSystemInfo $(pwd) fstype,source


 getFileSystemInfo "$@"

