使用 Juju 和 MAAS 安装 openstack

使用 Juju 和 MAAS 安装 openstack

我目前正在尝试在 Ubuntu 14.04 上使用 Juju 和 MAAS 部署 Openstack 集群。

我有 6 台服务器,其中一台分配为我的 MAAS 服务器,其余的由 MAAS 服务器登记和委托。我运行了命令

sudo openstack-install

在提供它要求的所有相关信息后,窗口显示它已成功引导 Juju 并准备好景观。问题是当它尝试部署景观时。它在 45 分钟时超时,当我执行

sudo tail -f /var/log/juju/machine-0.log


2016-07-13 22:33:40 WARNING juju.state allwatcher.go:351 getting a public address for unit "landscape-server/0" failed: "public no address"
2016-07-13 22:33:40 WARNING juju.state allwatcher.go:355 getting a private address for unit "landscape-server/0" failed: "private no address"
2016-07-13 22:33:45 ERROR juju.state.unit unit.go:738 unit postgresql/0 cannot get assigned machine: unit "postgresql/0" is not assigned to a machine
2016-07-13 22:33:45 WARNING juju.state allwatcher.go:351 getting a public address for unit "postgresql/0" failed: "unit postgresql/0 cannot get assigned machine: unit \"postgresql/0\" is not assigned to a machine"
2016-07-13 22:33:45 ERROR juju.state.unit unit.go:748 unit postgresql/0 cannot get assigned machine: unit "postgresql/0" is not assigned to a machine
2016-07-13 22:33:45 WARNING juju.state allwatcher.go:355 getting a private address for unit "postgresql/0" failed: "unit postgresql/0 cannot get assigned machine: unit \"postgresql/0\" is not assigned to a machine"
2016-07-13 22:33:50 WARNING juju.state allwatcher.go:351 getting a public address for unit "postgresql/0" failed: "public no address"
2016-07-13 22:33:50 WARNING juju.state allwatcher.go:355 getting a private address for unit "postgresql/0" failed: "private no address"
2016-07-13 22:33:55 WARNING juju.state allwatcher.go:351 getting a public address for unit "rabbitmq-server/0" failed: "public no address"
2016-07-13 22:33:55 WARNING juju.state allwatcher.go:355 getting a private address for unit "rabbitmq-server/0" failed: "private no address"

我运行 openstack-install 命令的 shell 会话最初显示一个 [INFO] 栏,其中包含“正在下载最新的 Landscape Autopilot 包...”。

当我尝试独立启动 Juju(不使用 sudo openstack-install 命令)并下载 Landscape-dense-maas 软件包时,我得到了完全相同的错误“公共无地址/私有无地址”。奇怪的是,我能够成功部署 juju-gui charm 并访问 Web GUI,但无法访问其他 charm 或服务(我尝试使用 wordpress 和 hadoop 并得到相同的错误)。

MAAS 的网络配置似乎是正确的,因为 MAAS 在查找节点并在其上部署 Ubuntu 时没有问题。每个节点有 2 个 NIC,一个连接到专用网络,一个连接到外部网络

附加的命令.log 文件这里



我不是 openstack 专家,但我可能知道您问题的解决方案。当我部署 openstack 时,我遇到了类似的问题,即我网络上的代理干扰了 Landscape 的下载。这很奇怪,因为我能够通过 ssh 进入节点并安装软件包,apt-get但当我尝试部署 openstack 时,Landscape 设置失败。经过一些故障排除后,我发现下载失败了。我暂时删除了代理,然后它就恢复了。希望这能有所帮助!
