不知道如何安装最新版本的 Popcorn-Time

不知道如何安装最新版本的 Popcorn-Time

我已经下载了最新版本的 Popcorn-Time 并提取了文件,但我不知道如何进行安装过程。





  1. 下载 Popcorn Time 二进制文件

    $ sudo mkdir /opt/popcorn-time

    对于 32 位系统执行:

    sudo wget -qO- https://get.popcorntime.sh/build/Popcorn-Time-0.3.10-Linux-32.tar.xz | sudo tar Jx -C /opt/popcorn-time

    对于 64 位系统执行:

    sudo wget -qO- https://get.popcorntime.sh/build/Popcorn-Time-0.3.10-Linux-64.tar.xz | sudo tar Jx -C /opt/popcorn-time

  2. Create executable link

Now, that Popcorn Time binaries are in place, we will create a symbolic link of /opt/popcorn-time/Popcorn-Time binary to /usr/bin/popcorn-time. This will allow non-privileged users to start Popcorn Time via terminal without any additional configuration:

$  sudo ln -sf /opt/popcorn-time/Popcorn-Time /usr/bin/popcorn-time
  1. Create Desktop Launcher

Use your favorite text editor eg. vim and create launcher shortcut. The below command uses vim editor to create new /usr/share/applications/popcorntime.desktop desktop entry:

$ sudo vi /usr/share/applications/popcorntime.desktop
  1. Insert the following content into the above created file:
[Desktop Entry] Version = 1.0 Type = Application Terminal = false Name = Popcorn Time Exec = /usr/bin/popcorn-time Icon = /opt/popcorn-time/popcorntime.png Categories = Application;
  1. Lastly, download Popcorn Time's icon

$ sudo wget -q -O /opt/popcorn-time/popcorntime.png https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6c/Popcorn_Time_logo.png

