与 Windows 10 一起安装 Ubuntu

与 Windows 10 一起安装 Ubuntu

当我尝试安装 Ubuntu 和 Windows 时,我无法做到。它显示“擦除磁盘并安装 Ubuntu“我该怎么做才能选择同时安装 Ubuntu 和 Windows 10?


我相信这个链接应该对你的努力有所帮助。 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot?action=show&redirect=DualBoot%2FWindows

请参阅以下链接:在 Windows 之后安装 Ubuntu

应首先安装 Windows 操作系统,因为它的引导程序非常特殊,安装程序往往会覆盖整个硬盘,清除其中存储的所有数据。如果尚未安装 Windows,请先安装它。如果您能够在安装 Windows 之前对驱动器进行分区,请在初始分区过程中为 Ubuntu 留出空间。这样,您以后就不必调整 NTFS 分区的大小来为 Ubuntu 腾出空间,从而节省一点时间。

当 Windows 安装已占用整个硬盘时,需要缩小其分区,为 Ubuntu 分区腾出可用空间。您可以在 Ubuntu 安装过程中执行此操作,也可以参阅如何调整 Windows 分区大小以了解其他选项。

如果您已经调整了 Windows 7 或 Vista 分区的大小但无法启动 Windows,则可以使用 WindowsRecovery 中的说明来修复它。

安装 Ubuntu

Download an Ubuntu LiveCD image (.iso) from Ubuntu Downloads and burn it to a disc (see BurningIsoHowto).
Insert the LiveCD into your CD-ROM drive and reboot your PC.
If the computer does not boot from the CD (e.g. Windows starts again instead), reboot and check your BIOS settings by pressing F2, F12, Delete, or ESC. Select "boot from CD".
Proceed with installation until you are asked this question: "How do you want to partition the disk?".
If you have already partitioned the disk and left space for Ubuntu, install it to that and then follow the rest of the steps.
Otherwise, choose one of the next two steps. 


Choose the first option, which should say "Install them side by side, choosing between them each startup".
Specify the size of the new partition by dragging the slider at the bottom of the window.
Click on "Forward".

Continue on to Finishing Ubuntu Installation 


Choose "Manually edit partition table".
Listed will be your current partitions.
Select the partition you want to resize and press Enter.
Select "Size:", press Enter.
Select Yes, press Enter.
Type in a new size in gigabytes for your partition, it's recommended you free up at least 10 GB of free space for your Ubuntu install. Press Enter when happy with your changes. It may take some time to apply the changes.

Create a swap partition of at least your amount of RAM (if you don't know, 8000 MB is a good value).
Create a partition for your Ubuntu installation.

Create other partitions if necessary: see DiskSpace
Select "Finish partitioning and write changes to disk". 
